Years ago I operated the combat flight simulator Sturmovik.
I not only flew within the computer program but flew
online as well.
I actually became somewhat accomplished at online WW2 air combat--
But for the 8 year old Koreans online who killed me at their leisure.
As with so many things the outside world intruded on the matrix and pleasure.
I was promoted and promoted again at work, making the real world insanely complex
and demanding all the time;
the result was zero time for the flight simulator geek in me,
and this pleasure fell by the wayside.
With retirement pending i recalled the pleasure and the feeling of accomplishment
in combat flight simulation and decided to
to reequip and return to flying Sturmovik.
In retirement I hope to defeat those hordes of 8 year old Koreans and reclaim the skies
for geezers.
Today I ordered the most recent complete and updated version of
this simulator software for the PC---
IL-2 Sturmovik 1946---
and the absolutely necessary hardware,
a Joystick and throttle system, although the least expensive model.
Rudder pedals may come later..dependent on success or failure.
I am unsure at the moment if i should attempt to designate and upgrade my
IBM t-41 Thinkpad as the specifically modified computer for
flying use only.
Or it may be a miracle of the computing world where the new
combat flight simulator works perfectly on never actually
knows that outcome until the software is installed and running?
Luckily i have friends who may provide advice on both the practicality
on this experiment and may be able to provide the hands-on how to
in modification of the t-41.
This old laptop, which unfortunately i really like using,
may be just too far behind the technology curve tho for rescue.
This old laptop, which unfortunately i really like using,
may be just too far behind the technology curve tho for rescue.
One of the strange elements of Sturmovik is actually how
beautiful the graphics of this combat flight simulator, can be with the right system.
I would often spend considerable time simply flying through the
world this software offered.
I may even redesign a small area of the nerd cave
specifically for and setup for the laptop, controls, headphones,
as well as seating and lighting for flying?
Nothing absurdly elaborate--
just a location to centralize my most recent obsession---
I'll keep you posted.
I am totally addicted:
This has been a dry season in films for my very particular tastes.
I have been placed in the waiting room
for films i actually want to view such as
Snowpiecer and Edge of Tomorrow
for their upcoming release on DVD.
I have also been following the production of the Mad Max remake
Fury Road,
Replacing Gibson with the excellent actor, Tom Hardy as Max.
Based on what little information and visuals that have been released to the net,
I already have high hopes for this remake.
It has great texture.
My morning commute here in the desert amongst
the oil field workers running late and the drilling supply,18 wheeler drivers
either half asleep or on speed,
makes Mad Max's world a daily reality for me.
Perhaps the new film will provide survival expertise?
"All generalizations are false,
including this one."
Mark Twain