Sunday, March 31, 2019

Wow! The future conditional pluperfect subjunctive.

This week proves to me that I know absolutely 
I had hoped for the Muller report to be an
an easy-peasy Trump-ectomy?
After which we would all wake up from this 
two year long bad dream
and live happily every after..?
Not gonna happen!
It was just too much to ask of the Universe 
and our gutless government to  
simply and quietly make this shit-ball go away?
This slippery punk has been around since I was young
and growing up outside of NYC...
shit that should stick to any normal human,
just seems to slide off him...?
Like he's made a deal with somebody---?
He can actually bankrupt casino's 
and yet,
 make idiots think he is a great business-man...?
The 2020 vote is the only way to eliminate this human error.
We must all vote...!
If only there was some other way---?
To insure that future events,
 will work out the way we want them to..???

this guy--
David Zaslav,
(the CEO of Discovery INC.)
 salary has been announced for this year as-----
$129 MILLION dollars a year...?????
$129 million fucking dollars a year...???
Is his brain made of gold--???
No one who works for a Corporation,
is worth a 129 million dollar a year salary--!
yet Republicans fight against any raises in the minimum wage..
This guy makes 129 million a year for exactly--what?
The only acceptable answer would be that
he'd cured cancer..!
This kind of CEO shit, which is being pulled on us 
by the 1%er's is exactly what is wrong with
our society---!
Tax, Tax,Tax these fuckers...!

In the Pennsylvania House of Representatives this week,
Rep. Stephanie Borowicz gave a horrific, praise Jesus,
slay the unbeliever, prayer,
just before a Muslim, Democrat Movita Harrell was
to take her oath of office after winning her election to the house.
The prayer was so long, (13 minutes) and so horrific against Muslims,
that the Speaker of the house had to stop her...!
Check out the below link for the story and photo's...
That is truly some evil,evil shit to pull!
Soon we will be rid of you..

The New Mexico climate can & will destroy anything.
It has baked the paint right off the roof of 
our Tacoma pick-up.
A new roof or repaint is too costly...
I attempted a rather different fix.
This is a colored, spray-on Plastic...?
which protects as well as restores.
I should have given the roof a quick spray
of regular touch up paint before applying
the blue/black Plasti-dip.
Cause that fading to white was tough to cover...
I'm happy with the results and 
Plasti-dip will just peel off when you wish,
so I can peel, paint and reapply anytime...
Although I'll standby for a bit.
I just ordered 4 cans of black Plasti-dip to treat the wheels on
my Brabus Smart Car to color match the body.
I desperately want this T-shirt..!

It was Eric Clapton's birthday,
Saturday March 30th...!
If elected I will make his birthday 
a National Holiday---!

Really enjoyed the texture of this--?

Saturday, March 23, 2019

He kept yapping, on and on, about beauty, so I shot him out the airlock....!

I've been doing pretty well lately,
actually happy..!
but apparently that's pretty rare now...?
We've dropped to 19th on the UN happiness report...?

it but----
 I would actually go to this High School Drama
class play--
Since it's based on the movie ALIEN..!
Bravo theater nerds..Bravo!

(translated from Serbian means--
"Where the Wolves Fuck..!"
Trump and the Republican party have already begun spewing
lies, fear-mongering and misrepresentations against 
any forward thinking,
Democratic Socialist style, reform,candidate.
Of course their attack plan is
in their own rather unique style----?
Their intent is to defeat truly liberal candidates and insure the
crippling any chance of reforming our current, cannibalistic,
rule by Oligarch,
winner take all,
 socio/economic system.
We must do everything possible to counter
this right wing propaganda and to educate the
Murican' public,
that Democratic Socialism is not
the monster that Republicans make it out to be..
rather Democratic Socialism is our only hope 
for a true economically-democratic
future we all so desperately need.
Former Republican Speaker of the House
Paul Ryan
 is going to work for FOX News..
His Corporate Tax bill saved FOX close to a billion dollars.
All I can do is shake my head 
while muttering shit over and over...!
Dick Dale one of the founders of the Surf guitar
sound passed away at 81.
He was re-discovered when one of his cuts was
featured in the film "Pulp Fiction".
Dale toured right up till the end of his life,
not just because he loved playing but,
he had cancer and had to pay for treatments..
being any kind of a professional artist/musician
 in a primitive country lacking
universal health care..

On Amazon steaming---
Just Fucking hysterical--
an Irish Sitcom about, well about being Irish...
With lines like:
"Taxes are for Protestants...!"
"We have between 6 and 8 children"
"We're way more afraid of what our neighbors will think..than the police!!"
"You should ALWAYS boil vegetables for at least a week!"
I watch this show late at night while writing the blog...
being Irish on both sides..
i don't laugh because it's funny...
I laugh because 
of the truth involved..