Sunday, June 28, 2020

I felt a disturbance, like a million monkeys cried out at once

We are so fucked....

He's screwed...and he knows it...
He know's he's done...
It still, very easily,
 could go much worse...
When he is gone we need to 
forget him...forget
His followers and supporters,
 Forget them and move on....
Forgetting this loser would be his most feared punishment..
Purge him from our thoughts and memories.
2,596,770 cases
128,152 deaths
so far
He thinks of only more rallies...?
Or more golf...
Or more lies....
I literally, can write nothing more----

My new Roland AC-33 amp...
Battery powered/or plug in..
30 watts---designed for acoustic electric guitars.
Super lightweight, multi-built in effects, and 
separate channel for a microphone..
Perfect match for my Lava parlor guitar...

Sunnto Core...
My new, Finnish, go-to,
 perfect watch...
Tells the sunrise/sunset times every day,
 has a barometric based storm warning alarm?

On Netflix streaming...
It's weirdness just seems even more appropriate now?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Someone wants to admit that they wrote this?

Attempting to maintain happiness against the world,
in my own way--?

Because we are stupid...
Because we have never matured as a nation...
Because we are lead by a degenerate.............
Because conservatives could give a shit about
the average human....

These people are truly beyond belief...?
You really need to read the Vanity Fair interviews
at the link below---

The link below shows what he thinks of the
average citizen who's just trying to get by.
His incompetence killed 121,000 citizens...
Hopefully this same incompetence has just killed his campaign...
ABBA touring in wheelchairs could draw a bigger crowd....
even in Tulsa....

Birthday soon---?
It strikes me that no matter how old we become,
we are still mysteries to ourselves..?
Elements of us we never, ever, get a handle on,
will exist---
no matter how long we are alive....?

Ash from Alien has been torn apart one last time----

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Uh... uh... I withdraw the question.

It is still out there---

The link below goes to a wonderful article in Reuters
on a couple that live in my state...
who have left the world behind...
Give yourself a break from the shit storm 
surrounding us and read of the life these people created
and worked out for themselves...!
Apparently, they can come out in the daylight,
and Crosses do not work on them..?

Physicists think they have discovered
how to "rewind" time...?
I can easily think of one thing we could rewind back to 
At least we don't have to worry about an
Alien Invasion now---
An intelligent species would not want to
be involved in this world's shit right now....!

Fiction becomes truth---