Friday, August 27, 2021

I can fly. I can fly. I can't fly.

Trying to cast off 
the all-encompassing national stupid....

I do realize that some crop circles are
made by humans who think it is funny.
But it is only funny because crop circles are
so stunningly weird.
I am one of "those" people who believe
that some crop circles are truly
 attempts to communicate.
Nobody just starts something like this as a joke.
It is just way too severely weird..
Below is an excellent, new article via BBC News
 on crop circles....

I continue to be totally, completely at a loss over this:
Conservatives do not believe in vaccines or masks
They will eat fucking horse 
dewormer to cure/prevent Covid ?
How can future historians even begin to
process this weirdness of our now time?
Perhaps they will realize that the 
over-riding factor involved in
the history of the United States is the fact
 that the  average I.Q. of US citizens is 98.
Of 108 countries the United States,
 home of the horse wormer eaters....
ranks 24th.

I have routinely attempted amateur astronomy..
I never give up however..
So I am back at it once again...
I have a beautiful, extremely complicated Meade, computer
driven telescope..
Meade EXT-90

It's so complicated, so heavy and a bit much for me to
simply grab up, take outside and look at
the moon on those "special" moon events like
this past week's "blue" moon.
I ordered a smaller, lighter weight, easy to use
and set up telescope (below) for those types of
astronomical Moon or I.S.S. events.
Perhaps this will get me more active involved
in astronomy?

This I cannot believe...
he took away a hope we had at that time..
When the world was almost as crazy as it is now..
He took it away...
Fuck him...

I am so bummed I have no words.

Rival Sons on CD...
Feral Roots...

Thursday, August 19, 2021

I throw my doll at you!

Russia facing criticism over their recent
SNAFU in docking at the I.S.S. decided to play..
"Oh yeah well one of your Astronauts went
crazy on the I.S.S.".....??????
This information is coming out of Russia
so I very much bear that in mind but--
it does makes sense in some very weird manner?
There is always a sort of Alien crew member weirdness
about being in space to me...?

I have repeatedly stated here that the
Mullahs of the middle east and Republicans
are separated by only a thin line.
The first thing the Taliban did taking over
Afghanistan was to outlaw the Covid vaccine.

I must have one of these...
A Nerf Colonial Marine pulse rifle
from Aliens..!

Yeah--bound to deserve it..!
I hope they shove the ventilator in the
wrong hole...!

that our puppet President of Afghanistan
fled the country with 169 million of our dollars.
It's reported he showed up at the airport to
flee with so much cash that the helicopter 
couldn't carry the weight of it all..
One million in one hundred dollar bills equals
22.046 lbs.
One last thank you to Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld
for 20 years of fucking horror
you dicks.
Occasionally I think that my low 
opinion of conservatives, right wingers and
their bizarre home states is wrong--
that I am stereotyping behavior,
 that I should have 
a kinder attitude towards these people,
that they can't all be fucking nuts.
I read of something like this in
Naked, riding a floating log down river 
singing God bless America.
Causing a helicopter rescue.
Local man-rescued-and-facing-charges-in-greene-county-after-floating-nude-on-group-of-logs

Prowling cheap watches on Amazon
(which I do waaaay too much)
 I found this "Survival Watch" and thought for 
20 bucks the paracord band might be nice
to have as a replacement on one of my watches?
The band has a compass, fire starter and a 
very small cutting blade in it.
I thought the watch itself would be a loser
one of those dead on arrival Chinese
slave factory watches
and I would just keep it for parts?
When it arrived it turns out that
the watch and the band are
actually viable--I was amazed?

The watch is a HUGE multi-function analog/digital,
 the instructions were in absolutely
horrifying CHINGLISH but---
It works well, is light weight and
keeps good time?
I actually kinda like it???

Frank DeLorenzo
Ashokan Farewell..on the mandolin...