Wednesday, April 19, 2017

I'm not holding back anything, certainly talent---

currently lost in retirement----

Our mature, intelligent neighbor to the north..
Is planning on legalizing weed NATIONALLY
next year!
Fucking Excellent!

Japan is suffering again--
due to shit weather the
their potato crop died--
a national potato chip shortage!!
Potato chip shortage Japan
Japanese scientists are hard at work on this problem..

Since last posting on our Jeep project..
I filled it with gas-and power washed
some of the caked on mud off it--
I have to try and flush the caked mud out
of the door channels?
While on a test drive--
The "check engine" light came on??
Although the Haynes manual advises this indicates
emission control problems--
which on a vehicle i got for lawn sod is---
tiny violin time--
but the wipers don't work, NO ac, still trouble with
all the doors, parking brake is a no-go
and it's still pretty much 
like the truck the Beverly Hillbillies owned.
At least it still runs.
Long way to go on this project and I still 
do not know if the jeep was a good or a bad idea.
Experimental guitarist Alan Holdsworth 
has passed away--
An early adopter of looping--

There's been more than enough written
on United dragging a paying passenger 
off their aircraft, smashing his head--
We are all merely cattle to them---
I thought it might be interesting to read
about the class above first
class which United airlines has
where no-one gets assaulted/bumped,
secret doors, driven direct to your aircraft
no one grabs your balls--
if you have enough money that is--
think of the movie Elysium--
but in commercial air travel !
for the rich and famous only airline class
makes regular first class passengers feel--
This two tiered system of life 
must change--
either by choice on the part of the rich--
or not--

This past week we got to see 
Billy Bob Thornton and the Boxmasters 
at our local venue---
took these cellphone photos at the show--
They were excellent!
Great musicians, very tight and a really
enjoyable show.
Billy Bob was very accessible and funny..
He took pictures with our neighbors and was
really human!
We had a great time!

My personal geek world
is glowing due to the new MST3K
on Netflix...
after a long wait----
What's cool is it is not a copy--
it is true to the original concept of the show..
The movies they are playing are awesomely awful..
the riffing on the movies is outstanding!!!

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