Sunday, November 18, 2018

Visit beautiful Ground Zero....

I am doing surprisingly well at ignoring...
 everything political...!
Ignorance is both my solution to 
and my revenge against Trumpism...

Fall used to be my favorite season but now it seems--
as I age that fall can be summed up by---
I have ALWAYS practiced this sanitary procedure due to my OCD..
but it is nice now to be backed up by scientific facts...
We live in this general area...
we really have seen nothing overall in civic improvement from
the local fracking oil boom here..
The mass of money must go somewhere, but for sure not into
local improvements at all....!

Don't get me wrong--early Elvis was awesome...
but then America worked it's magic on El.....
Let's see--
bad movies just for money, 
hangs out with Richard Nixon--
becomes phony federal narcotics Agent, while being a drug addict,  
shoots the fuck out of Television sets... 
Gets really fat and 
then dies of a drug overdose on his bathroom floor...
Which apparently
Getting awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom...???
Yeah----that makes sense right...?
These Presidential medal thingee's
 must really be worth something eh?

I received my Card model LZ-10 zeppelin
from ironically, Germany--this week...
Card models are of heavy paper, card stock obviously,
that you assemble by cutting out parts from sheets 
and gluing them together....
to form a complete model
and are often the only source for hard to get models...
such as the Zeppelin LZ-10.
I was desperate for another zeppelin model 
for Nerd Cave display..
I have never built a card model before and have no concept
of what to do. 

cities in our, William Gibson version, of 
the now dystopia America...
are paying over 2 billion dollars to Amazon
 to just get the company to move there?
I've read where this can work out to paying Amazon 48,000 dollars
for each of 50,000 jobs it claims it's going to create?
Yet nothing changes for the average human
other than the price of housing goes up??
Why don't these cities just give 50,000 citizens
48,000 dollars each and see what happens?
What people need is higher paying jobs...
Not more fucking jobs that let you starve...
If I have to explain William Gibson to you,
You need to leave this blog immediately and never come back..

uuuuh---that they still haven't charged this Dallas cop with murder for
killing a black guy who was just sitting in his own apartment
after she stormed into it,supposedly,
 thinking it was her apartment..?
cop-who-killed-black-man-in-his own apartment
Oh-Yeah-I forgot---

Douglas Rain, the voice of Hal the computer
 in 2001 a Space Odyssey 
passed away. 
He was 90.
Roy Clark an awesome country guitarist,
and nice guy 
passed away at 85...
Stan Lee also passed away but everybody's talking about
him--I prefer to focus on people that may not get that much
attention with their passing...?
Is that wrong...?

Recently recorded to tape from my
"winter to be recorded" 
to do list...

Another very strange one----?
But I liked it---!

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