Sunday, February 23, 2020

It's my incessant droning, isn't it?

This homemade, LEGO, remote controlled,
tracked, bridge layer is just fucking amazing..!!!
You really need to go to the link below and 
watch it operate...!
Although his wife may not enjoy him bridging and 
driving it across the kitchen counter-tops---?

Even if I say so myself I have done well
at not writing about society in general and
I haven't mentioned his name in months..?
I am tho preparing a plan to completely disregard
both our society and politics if Bernie Sanders is
denied the nomination/election...
A mental hermit I shall be......
It will be nothing but purposeful ignorance
British news websites
 and internet kitty photo's
from that point on...
Believe me it is not something I want to do....

I am in the process of creating a "one man" rig
for maybe busking...?
Or simpler, smaller gigs...?
The goal is to go as
lightweight as possible cause I'm old...
light weight but still have a viable sound..?
Additional details to follow....
as I build this Frankenstein rig...

I love to laugh at radical conservative groups who wish for their state
to succeed from from the Union...
The latest group of Bozo's wishing to create 
their own Idiocracy experiment is a group called...
"Move Oregon's border for a Greater Idaho"
Obviously from the group's name the idea is 
 to combine eastern Oregon
with the entire state of Idaho creating:
"Greater Idaho"..
After leaving the union....
Greater Idaho's citizens would immediately 
starve to death of course...?
But hey live free (for awhile) or die right..????
Usually it's Texans pulling this shit--but--unfortunately
stupid is contagious...?
So to all of Greater Idaho----
Uh--go--really--don't let the door hit you in the ass...
Uh--BYE BYE...!!!

Well not reading this right now--
but I did just pre-ordered this....
David Wong is one of my favorite authors...

8 episodes in I cannot tell if I hate this---?

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