Saturday, August 29, 2020

And no drooling this time!

Trumps--chief Public Relations liar--and professional piece of shit,
Kelly Ann Conway---
Is leaving Trump's employ--?
This could actually mean something---?
she's just 
 getting out while the getting's good---?
politics/kellyanne-conway leaving the white house?????
She is/was an absolute, Psychotic liar for that asshole...!
How does she sleep at night---?

His wife was fucking the pool boy while he watched...
Then the pool boy blackmails them....
It's always, always true,
 these conservative preachers,
want you to keep it in your pants,
so they can pull theirs out more...!
if they own an an aquarium....
the fish in the tank keep in motion when they are in the room....
The sad thing is that they use stupid people as marks..
they con, rob, steal and screw...
their dupe "flocks".....
They are the true, ultimate Republicans...
For awhile he might have resigned--or maybe he wouldn't resign 
Some how he winds up with a 10.5 million
pay-out if he leaves so---now...
he's really resigned---of course...?
Preaching&God of course, well it's just not that important now eh--?
Money is the only true part of any religion...

is of course,
robbing the Republican party blind..
It couldn't happen to a nicer group of folks, 
who are stupid enough to trust him with the
keys to their party's vault..?
The below is a true quote from him..
Unfortunately he is also stealing from the government,
of course...which means us...
but at least he focusing some of the theft on his supporting idiots...?

If you can read this article and figure out
exactly what is going on with this murder
as in---wtf happened, and how can you marry 
one of your 55 kids?????
You could be the Sherlock Holmes of Brazil...!!!

These "leaders" of  Lake Charles Louisiana, 
10 days ago voted to absolutely, absolutely maintain 
their statue of some, 
sister chasing loser Confederate General....
Hurricane Laura took care of their stupidity for us.....
by knocking the shit out of said statue..!!

Alternating between...

The entire series before I watch year 3...
So so strange....

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Someone turn off the fat rotating guy.

 Trump just talks out of his ass....
He just recently threw out that the Center for Disease Control
has teams ready to deploy to schools when they open?
The Center for Disease Control is like,
He is going to lose this upcoming election---
He thinks he should get a third term..?
He will never stop talking shit till he dies. will he..?
donald-trump-says he'll get a third-term
Actually believes he can make people
stop making fun of him legally---?
trump-asks supreme-court--block-twitter-critics

Of course they are all totally crooked...
Steve Bannon--
Trump's former White House advisor,
is just the latest one caught--
and he's going to jail for sure...
We are lucky that Bannon only stole from 
dumb shit, redneck conservatives donating cash to 
"build a wall" on the southern border..?
It is however disgusting to think that this
P.O.S. had access to the White House...?
Trumps's eventually going to wind up in jail as well----
and he knows it---
That's what scares him the most
about leaving the White House..
the NYC prosecutor will be waiting for him..!

So I recently received the
Original TV show,
Lost in Space,
B-9 Robot...for my Nerd Cave....
This is the second Lost in Space robot I have
in my collection...
The first being the 1998 Lost in Space Movie Robot...
I pass the Geek test, absolutely no problem...

Kamala Harris is a good pick....
She won't take ANY of Trump's shit...
My problem is with the DNC...
Trotting out all the old guard at the convention...?
This shit might win this election where ANY-FUCKING-BODY
is better than Trump...and we'll all vote, even for,
 an old Zombie like Biden,
because the Democratic Oligarchs blocked Bernie...
But mark my words...
If we don't go LEFT there will be a new party created
Get rid of these geezers...!
Stop trying to be Centralist...
Nobody wants them or that..!
It's just not me seeing this:

This was very William Gibson dystopian like...
Sort of Blade Runner in Paris film---?
Drug corporations back individuals who fight to the death.
I liked it...
On Netflix...

I watched this again the other day on Netflix..
Still love it...