Saturday, August 8, 2020

Well, anyway, got that out of my system.

I use this video clip when I am reading the news....
Sean Bean saying Bastard 83 times in 2 minutes...
saves my voice....!

 I admire this widow from Texas
who told the truth.....
It is however, just so terribly sad....

Jerry Farwell's a con...
Religion has simply been a way for priests to eat for free...
since we were in caves...
It must make his donors/students/supporters/fanatics
feel really really good to see this...
drink in hand,
He claims it's "black water"..????
(where does one find "black water"????)
 zipper open,
arm around a bimbo,
having a good time on his---
You paid for that good time, that bimbo, that yacht....
you religious dumb-shit...!
Somebody wised up that Jerry Jr. may be taking money
out of their pockets so----

I discovered an article tucked away on the web...
of how the Census Department had been 
conducting a survey on American "quality of life"
during the Covid Pandemic...
If when reading the above statement you are thinking...
umh--I'd like to read that and find out the results...
You can't---
The results were apparently so dismaying the
project was cut-off by the Trump Administration...
Truth is immaterial.. it doesn't really matter....
to Republicans...
truth are lies, lies are truth....

On streaming one of my favorites..

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