Wednesday, January 15, 2014

not working

The other night we were watching streaming TV.
When the Internet went out.
When checked, the laptops were out as well.
We tried to call the provider but the cell phones were out.
In attempting to watch a DVD we found the DVD player was out.

I sat there sort of thinking that in a manner of speaking,
this was how World War Z started out.....
just a string of funny little things-----

Was it one of those funny things that just happen?
I think?
I didn't go outside to find out tho.....

I haven't been doing much reading lately...
But I came across a line on one of the Internet Forums 
I go to often which read:
"You have to forgive your younger self."
I was really stuck by this single line.
I do have trouble forgiving my younger self,
and will try to be better at this.
Strange how one line you read can change your thought process?

We have also been in the process of investigating and planning
my possible retirement this year.
The next blog will discuss my thoughts on retirement in some detail, I hope.
The simple fact of writing on the subject may help.

I am off for two weeks.
My usual post Christmas vacation after filling in for 
all the regular humans at work who did their holiday stuff.
I always take leave around this time of the year.....
One of my projects is working on my D'Aquistino archtop.

The plan is to install a set of new light gauge strings, 
(done yesterday) 
and install a fender lace sensor humbucker pickup.
The pickup I purchased can attach to the guitar in 
multiple methods so that i do not permanently 
alter the guitar. 

As you can observe my practice amp, effects,
and basically my whole process needs organization.
I am building a practice pedal board and attempting
to set up a plug and play system. 
One cannot be surrounded by ugly when one is trying to be creative.
 It just doesn't work.....
I am working on my equipment and practicing as best i can.

"Every artist was first----an amateur."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

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