Tuesday, January 21, 2014

quietly into the night

Maybe this year...

It is close to the time i need to go--
For every one's sake....

It is strange to be considering retirement and investigating 
the possibility after a complete lifetime at work.
I had my first job, illegally, at age 12---50 years ago.
I've lived since then with the concept that there would never be an end to work.
I've never actually allowed myself to seriously think of an end to it.

Now there may be.
We are currently in a hold awaiting an estimate of payout
with our retirement plan, understanding completely how lucky we are
to have any sort of plan in this time of the winner take all economy.

Our situation will not be the Cadillac and world cruise retirement
of the previous generation,
who had the benefit of a booming economy, unions, non-criminal bankers,
led by an elite class who at least, left a little for those below them.

Those days are gone forever.
If we are lucky our retirement plan estimate may place us
 over the poverty line for a family of two but
below the poverty line for a family of four. 

Neither Jo nor I are exorbitant.

We like our little house, our gardens, our books and music,
we can easily entertain ourselves it seems.
Pending the arrival of the estimate i have a strong 
belief that based on our lives as we know them,
we should be, well, OK -- dependent on how the world around
us works or doesn't work.

With retirement

there is the emotional and intellectual side  
to consider. 

There is only so much that one can plan and think out 
in advance, or else God will laugh.

When all is said, done, thought out, talked out,
and worried through....
I for sure am looking forward to having as much fun retired
as i possibly can.

"The best time to begin thinking about your retirement,
is before your boss begins thinking about your retirement."

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