Sunday, February 2, 2014

Are we there yet?

I have been focused on my guitar playing.

I am working on jazz style soloing.
Calming nice stuff.

I've been working on my equipment.
I've temporarily installed an electronic pickup
on my D'Aquistino arch top..
before and after photo's below-----

I have rebuilt my amplification system...
before and after below------

I am also working on a small pedal board
with just the limited effects needed to get that
late 1950's cool jazz guitar sound.
I am enjoying practicing and am hoping that perhaps
when retired i might pickup the odd solo gig.
I'm not counting on it but the concept gives me 
something to think on, practice towards and maybe accomplish
when retired---who knows?
I am also testing an Eastman arch top that a local player
wants to sell me?

It is a wonderful guitar and I do enjoy playing it but yet---?
I haven't really come to a decision about it?

We watched the Lone Ranger on DVD.
I liked it.
I can't understand why it got panned so badly by
all the Internet reviews.
I thought Johnny Depp did a great job.

Sort of a William Gibson style novel about a hit man in the near

Back to work this last week.
I am doing better about working since retirement may loom
on the horizon. 
Still no news on that front however---
unable to make a decision due to lack of information
that is suppose to be in route.

So I merely wait--------

"I'm always a struggling guitar player..."

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