Sunday, September 28, 2014

Event Horizon

It is still raining and storming in New Mexico.
I believe the wet weather and strange barometric pressure
is what has made this week strange here. 
We are not used to this quantity of water falling from the sky.
It has disturbed the harmony of people in some manner. 
I am enjoying this show.
Set in the Las Vegas of the 1960's.
It is Cowboys vs. Wiseguy's.
I have been having a problem with food lately.
Never a foodie, the thought of eating interests me almost not at all recently.
Perhaps it is age, or being forced to eat through my
entire life at specific times based on time demands 
rather than hunger or desire---who knows?
When i do feel hungry there appears to be nothing i crave?
I am eating, don't get me wrong. Eating simply has all the interest
of putting gas in my truck to me now.

My darling wife ordered for me the new
Pink Floyd CD
Endless River
To be released Nov. 10th 
get the time this weekend to start my third large aircraft model..
a 1/72 scale, WWII Sunderland Flying Boat.
Flying boats & Dirigibles were mechanical items the 
world disposed of way way too early in a meaningless search for profit.
Unfortunately the only models that exist are those of
military flying boats.   
I find myself attracted to the diesel punk designs of 
the 1930's.
There was something in the 1930's design view
 to items of daily life and
their view of the possible future that appeals to me.
"It has become appalling obvious 
that our technology has exceeded
our humanity."
Albert Einstein

Saturday, September 20, 2014

oogha oogha oogha chaka

Working on my tape recorders and taping stuff on the day off..
My newest little set up my Walkman professional WmD-6c coupled with
my new XO5 rechargeable speaker system.

A Sony SEQ-50 Walkman equalizer.
The concept was to run a line from the walkman to the equalizer
then to your headphones.
This provided greater adjustment of sound to personal desire.
Very few were made and are extremely hard to find.
It is good to have a quest.

Guardians of the Galaxy to go to DVD with baited breath.
How can i resist when there is a first generation Sony Walkman
and great music involved in the movie.

A new carry knife just in for the upcoming winter months and for retirement carry.
Cold Steel Kobun.
A tremendous value for the price.

"I do not weep at the world I am too busy sharpening my knife."

"There is nothing like staying at home
for real comfort."
Jane Austen

Saturday, September 13, 2014

You get no bread, with one meatball

I wonder what it will be like to wake up naturally 
on a daily basis?
Compared to being forced awake to
a schedule.

Barbour Jacket.

Grundig Shortwave radios.

In route

Which one of these US financed and trained Yemeni soldiers 
is simply FABULOUS!

"If real is what you can feel,smell,taste and see, 
then 'real' is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain"

Sunday, September 7, 2014

we don;t finish anything anym

Attempting to determine what our lives in the near future
will be like once the lifetime of work ends.
It is quite like trying to predict what life on a 
alien planet would look like.
In all probability with similar accuracy.

We have both been working on the concept of organization.
JoJo has been totally rebuilding the Kitchen..with outstanding results.
I, on the other hand, am currently crippled in this area due to
the last remaining months of work prior to retirement.
Once work is completed however......
It's Monk time.

"Research is what I'm doing,
when i don't know what i am doing."
Wernher Von Braun