Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Post-It note could sense danger better than this guy.

At least there is one person with a brain
in Jacksonville...
The Sheriff said no fucking way
are you going to have your Zombie fest here....
florida-sheriff-to gop-convention-NO!
His decision of his to go to Jacksonville 
worked as well as his Casino decision, his airline decision
his football team decision---

Of course he wishes her well---
They are all one-percenter's preying on the serfs..
the serf's children....
He'll pardon her as well...
This will never stop----
Until WE stop them......
The Pentagon UFO advisory unit is 
going to get all wikileaks on recovered
"not of this earth vehicles" !
Some of these vehicles according to a source,
have been recovered since 2007---?
Again supposedly----
This is a direct result of the release of the
Naval Aviator gun camera UFO tapes...
Maybe, our new alien overlords will take mercy on us------

Peter Green passed away at 73....
He was one of the"lost souls"
of rock and roll....

Very different, very funny, very sarcastic...!
Yes, yes, yes....
NORSEMEN season three is out--!
I rejoice...

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Welcome aboard.You're in the part of the plane that falls off.

 This WILL be over soon...
don't give up...!

Miss Kentucky 2019 is a Pedo....
cause after all....
It is Mitch McConnell's state...
So washed-up ex game show host tweets a 
conspiracy theory on the Cornavirus pandemic...
which is so fucked up it
 gets retweeted by a washed up, fucked up, 
ex-reality show host....
Karma steps in and hits ex-game show host's
kid with Coronavirus---
Now, suddenly, the virus is not a liberal conspiracy,
now the ex-game show host feels our pain...
 Yeah, right...
These people are unbelievably 
shallow assholes...

Right at the very moment I am about to loose all hope---
Something brilliant happens that restores 
my faith in us---
like this---
30 moms...
 form a protective shield between the Police
 and the Portland protesters to make sure there is no abuse !
I want to kiss each of these women on their mom cheeks...

You know...
there are times when just
playing and creating something on the guitar
 is just so fucking tough..?
and then----
You see guys doing shit like this..?

Just started...

I cannot remember the last time
I laughed so hard at a film....
Especially the opening when the 
Government is testing weed in the 1930's...
I got lucky this week---
a second hysterical film---