Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dr. Heimlich: The Early Years

Little BB says "things are great!"
Accomplishing much--
 beautiful weather..
Planting and planning for the spring...
building watches....

Personal EDC stuff I have carried for years....
My battered cigarette case 
often carried in BDU pockets--
My Moleskine daily journal/notebook,
coupled with an unbreakable $5.00 Chinese fountain pen
I have had for years now...

totally agree with Trevor Noah 
who says:
  the only people in the United States
who have actively embraced the metric system
 and use it in daily life
 fucking drug dealers?
How the fuck does that work?
The United States and Myanmar (Burma)
are the only two countries in the world not on the metric system..
Myanmar--we're proud to be with you against the world!
If, according to governmental legend, 
drug dealers are demented, drop-out losers.
Then how the fuck are they the only below average Americans
  able to do this math conversion in their little pinheads correctly 
or else it costs them their money or their lives?

This week marked 62 years since the first public polio vaccine inoculations were given.
Thank you Jonas Salk
I still remember lining up in kindergarten in 1957 for my shot.
FREE--the government used to do this kind of public
good for FREE..
Parents were so relieved that the disease that had struck down so
many children had been conquered.
Did i mention the Government gave it away for FREE?

You may think that watchmaking is all white lab coats,
perfection in work through a combination of Nerd engineering and science in action.
This detailed, intensive work would then be
 followed up by showing off with a watch you hand built
just styling the fuck out of it?
I have spent the last four days, working on two watches,
grinding away at a combination of attempted repairs on one
watch and building myself a new personal mechanical watch.
The watch repair/building process operates much this way:
 disassemble--check for possible problem--measure--replace part?
clean part?--reinstall part--super clean everything--re-assemble--check for function--?
 disassemble--check for possible problem--measure--replace different part?
clean part?--super clean everything--reinstall part--re-assemble--check for function--?
so on and so on and so on---
until your eyes can no longer focus and your head wants to blow up!
But then, suddenly out of the blue after days of attempts, parts changes
 and dozens of
assembly and dis-assembly contortions,
completely by accident
 you stumble exhausted into that idea on
 how to make it work???
and it does...
To tell the truth, when completed,
 you do try your best to style a watch you built yourself.
Hoping that someone just may ask where you got it?

Binge watching season 3 on streaming all week.

Harper Lee passed this week.
Author of "To Kill a Mockinbird".
Harper Lee

Don't give up on us!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I'll stay here and supervise the zombie.

I am inspired and have returned to work on the homestead.
What finally fixed me?
Weeks of  being lost, and dejected--
simply disappeared by viewing the film The Martian the first time--
Watching the main character face a shit-load of insane tasks,
never giving up by working the problems to success...
 lifted me from a deep state of 'overwhelmed by shit to do',
to a get up and get to work state.
I really took in Watney's statement from the film.
This statement alone made me get my ass up and start fixing problems.
I am going to purchase this film just to have on hand,
(sort of in case of emergency break glass kinda thing)
for when i am struck down by the helplessness created when 
it feels as if the world is completely breaking down around me.

The below link takes you to a video where a 
Carrier Air Conditioning executive announces to
1400 workers at their Indianapolis plant that they are being
laid off and that the company is moving the plant to Mexico.
manager telling employee's their jobs are going to Mexico
At least a few workers got to yell "fuck you".
This move was for sheer profit--no other reason--
 which the executive even freely admits to the crowd.
Carrier has a revenue of 56 billion dollars a year and
had enough cash on hand recently to buy-back
12 billion dollars of their own stock!
This act was nothing but fucking over the American worker,
for a penny more profit!
These oppressors will wonder why we little people are so angry---
 right up until the moment we come for them.

The former UN Chief Boutros-Boutrous-Ghali has passed away.
I loved saying his name--
it just sort of rolled off the tongue--
try it--it's addictive---

believe that the eatable spoon making machine may
be the greatest invention of all time?
You make an eatable spoon from bread..
eat your spoon after your soup--
Zero utensil clean-up Science is finally working on shit we can really use?
Soon science may create the pretzel chopstick?
Seriously is this a great concept or what?

The below link takes you to where God
answers questions on the Internet....
Turns out God's a pretty cool dude!

I just received my used C300 Citizen NaviHawk built in 1993,
purchased via Ebay auction.
The watch is in beautiful condition.
After an hour and one half setting session due to
the complexity of the NaviHawk's multiple functions
we are now keeping perfect time when compared to a nuclear
radio regulated clock. 
An immediate requirement for me however was the
removal of the standard metal band and to install as a replacement a
 black,silicone rubber replacement watch band.
I simply cannot wear a metal link, clasp closing watch band. 
The Citizen NaviHawk features include a UTC sub-dial, a 24 hour sub-dial,
digital time display block with 30 country immediate time change settings,
a chronograph, count-down timer, multiple alarms and a surprising
feature that allows you to move the analog hands temporarily
in case they are blocking the view of the digital display
and then return them to accurate time positions without having to
 physically reset the analog time.
These features do not include twin rotating bezels for  
complex equation solving.
Strange to obsess on a twenty-three year old watch?
A watch I could have never afforded when new?
There are drawbacks, for example the lumen on the hands
is almost non-existent and the digital area's are not
designed to light up..a design flaw to say the least...
All in all no matter tho, I am so happy wearing this very unique watch..

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