Saturday, February 27, 2021

Old guy, there's another old guy to see you?

At least there's legal weed in 
New Jersey now--?
That makes, I think, 15 states....

If they were available right now,
 I would immediately
buy an Aptera electric car..
The $25,000-250 mile range one---
It would make me feel like I was living in a 
Science Fiction movie or something--?
The Studebaker sound station--
a modern 
cd-cassette-radio boombox 
that doesn't appear to suck..
I want want want---!!!!
This is a GE boombox commercial from 1985
It is literally, an 80's cyber-punk overdose---!
Some of the people in this commercial are Grand-Parents now?????

Here is the site where you can see all the photo's transmitted
from the Perseverance Rover on Mars,
as they are received...

The Republicans are currently holding their 
fascist, racist, homophobic, mentally Q deranged,
Self-Love Fest---
Where, Florida, of fucking course...!
I read statements from their cult leaders, their speeches...
and truly, truly wonder how ANYONE--
can accept, believe, or support 
such absolute VILE shit..
It just makes me so depressed over what
some of our citizens have become----?
What they actually believe---?
What they actually support?
I am rapidly approaching the 
"there is no hope for us"

I am so lost with the guitar...
It happens sometimes
with music---
I can't tell if anything I am doing sounds good or bad--?
I cannot seem to get songs to lay down in an arrangement--?
I can't seem to work my equipment properly---?
I cannot seem to complete--anything musically---?
Lately all I can think of is how I suck---
This has happened before--
It really, really sucks to work through--
Very depressing---
It takes an insane amount of time to get through
these musical down periods of mine...
I hate it---

A good pandemic time killer on streaming---

Friday, February 19, 2021

Even my underwear is over a hundred years old.

What the fuck are we,
as a country,
going to do now?
They let the demon fucking walk away...?

That Bert Reynolds has been laying about dead
and NOT buried--for about 2yrs. now...?????
I mean WTF--?
I was never a fan of his--never--but no matter--
Jesus Christ..I mean you can't
just let a guy lay about for two years
and then decide to fucking bury him??????
I mean did they put him in one of those storage places,
for two years or what ?

I ran across an interesting article on a 
boombox/cassette tape collector who owns a shop 
in Hong Kong--
What I really liked was reading that he only
opens the shop--when he feels like it--?
Chow-Yin-Chi, the collector in the article,
 has 90 boomboxes in his collection---
me--I only have 38..
I am not worthy--!
I am just about to complete my latest space ship,
adult, paint by number project for hanging 
in the Nerd Cave...
Of course I had to order another kit immediately--
Ordering these Science Fiction related 
paint by number kits is
always like a bad lottery--?
You may get it--you may not--?
If they manage to arrive from where-ever the fuck they come from?
The end result hanging in the Nerd Cave is worth the risk.
Below is the paint by numbers kit 
I just ordered...
I am so looking forward to working on this new kit--
displaying these illustrations has really changed the
ambience of my nerd cave--?


The state that is always threatening to succeed from the union,
because they have such a Republican, good conservative government
handle on things.
The state which has fucked off any proactive anti-covid action,
that wants to ban a woman's right to chose...
and worst of all, the state that has elected Ted-fucking-Cruz into 
the Senate to terrorize us all....
Texas has now killed several of it's own citizens due to it's lousy
state-only-specific power grid--which, of course,
 failed in this week's storm.
I would like to question the almost yearly succession 
push by Texans and their belief that Republicans
provide the best of all possible leadership?
 When you cannot keep your
state's fucking lights on and blame "socialism"&"green energy"
for the failure of your "we want our own power grid" concept--
Oh-sure----you can be your own country--
what could possibly go wrong?
Or is that injecting too much reality into your
Texan Republican fantasy world?????

Rush Limbaugh is still dead....

Chris Isaak

The Stand re-make--
I just can't do it---it turns out I cannot watch it--?
I was looking forward to it after watching the first
mini-series-and reading the book...both years ago...
It's Captain Tripps---
Captain Tripps is now real and killing Americans
The walking dude--just got voted out...
and I just cannot bring myself to watch this
it is just too close to how we actually are--!
Which is so so insane--