Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Oscillation Overthruster......

So I took my first Geezer fall this week---
and banged the shit outa me....

OK so---?
Why, I mean really, why is a large group of wild turkeys,
circling a dead cat in the middle of a road..???
A guy took a video 
(instead of running away from this spooky shit like I would have done)
see it at the link below

At the link below,
 various musicians across the world
play and sing to "The Weight" along with
Robbie Robertson...
I love these across the world renditions
they are amazing....

Trump and Biden are fighting...
This is just two corrupt fuckers bitch slapping each other....
in the media.....
Trump claims he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize...
He without a doubt would wear it like this---
Just to make sure you'd notice---?
trump claims nobel-peace-prize
Several of Trump's Oligarch tenants in Trump Tower...
had their jewels stolen..
Are we suppose to be---eh--upset by this...?
It looks like they are finally going
to try to impeach him...
Good luck--
Congress has not been actually able to do anything in years...
and shit does not stick to this guy--?
What a great combination for success...?
We have only one hope left--

Robert Hunter,
the lyricist for the Grateful Dead
has passed away at 78...
This truly sucks----

People are finally, finally laughing at these bimbo
I don't know which one is which..
but i like the fact that
the audience at the Emmy's laughed when one 
said their T.V. show "was real"..?
These people need to be laughed at more..!
You can hear it at the link:

I have never, at fucking all, wanted one of 
those Alexa things from Amazon...
Until now-----
 because they are making it 
speak to you in Samuel L. Jackson's voice....
Now I must, must, must have one...
How can I live without
Samuel L. Jackson advising me...?

and pre-ordered:
I so enjoy these Arkady Renko novels....
This is suppose to be released in November...

On Netflix...
Season 6

Sunday, September 22, 2019

To be left alone—the goal of every great hero!

Trying against all odds to be mentally Zen-Like--?

I'm sure it's simply a co-incidence that the military
has spent $200,000 dollars at Trump's 
Scottish dump of a hotel...
and the amount spent for military re-fueling, at the con man's 
nearby airport, he is in cahoots with, is reportedly
in the million category..?
I'm sure he is getting a chunk of that fuel money as well--?
That's probably some of your tax money
hanging out of his back pocket --!!!
Trump's bestest buddy Netanyahu, 
the prime minister of Israel,
who's as corrupt a prick as Trump is...
Is facing jail time once he leaves office for corruption...
 Yeah both of these guys are buds, of course....
So let's see if we can make this a double play 
when our mope leaves office---?
after-falling-short-israel-s-election-netanyahu-set-confront-his legal fate

There is a six foot wide house--?
Land is so expensive in Tokyo that
any space that can be built on will be..
The house is actually beautiful--
I, for sure, could live in it
no problem..
Japanese vending machines are totally unique---
A link to a photo collection specializing in them....

It's pretty insane that the Navy says their fighter video's
of UFO interceptions are real and that 
they made a mistake releasing them....?

The Russians keep blowing up really dangerous shit---
Last month it was a nuclear powered missile...
This month's explosion is at their bio-weapons facility--?
Where they work on all kinds of dangerous shit,
 like smallpox & Ebola...
What actually, truly, could be more hazardous--?
I mean, I cannot think of anything worse to blow up?
I mean come on, fucking really
how inept can you be----?
uhh-part-of-the-facility-where-russia-stores-smallpox explodes

Rick Ocasek of the Cars,
 was found dead in his home aged 75...

I received my cheap, Chinese,  Benyar Chronograph...
It is really styling, heavy and came with an excellent silicone band..
The watch is easy to read and nicely heavy on the wrist...
It seems to keep adequate time so far although it is
tough to set accurately the minute hand jumps when set..?
Oh well, Chinese you know---?
But hey--all in all a slick value--!

I am re-watching----
the entire Parks and Recreation series on Netflix..
for probably the 7th time.....
before it gets pulled in Oct. 
by money grubbing NBC /Universal for their 
new streaming service..which, of course, will cost extra,
which of course, I won't get--??
So I am sadly watching through the series again for my last time...

in route---