Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Scientists aren't sure what this represents...

Spring work is endless....
I apparently can now, do nothing--
without creating a larger mess-
than the mess i am attempting to fix..

Robert M. Pirsig 
author of one of my all time favorite books
"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
passed away at 89 years of age.
had an IQ of 170.
His masterpiece, 
 Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
deals with the search for quality in all you do.
Robert M. Pirsig

As long as we are in the suck zone this truly sucks..
Riley Hancey was originally denied a lung transplant,
by the University of Utah,
because his original blood tests 
displayed microscopic amounts of weed residue.
Yes--they can do that--
Fuck you all for letting Riley Hancey die!
Riley's family searched for two months
attempting to find a hospital that would
accept him as a transplant candidate because
of the original refusal.
The University of Pennsylvania accepted him
into their program.
Riley died of complication after his transplant.
I'm sure, not a result, of the fucking delay...
I actually cannot describe the thoughts
in my brain on what a retarded society we are !

Just what the fuck??
I mean really, what the fuck???

I had three people this week
inquire about guitar lessons?
None of the three have actually showed up----
of course...

that crosses all cultures---
Is people laughing at a video of 
guys getting their nads crushed...
every human laughs--
Here is the Japanese version:

Bosch is always awesome,
love the noir quality of this series.
Streaming season 3 now..

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

I'm not holding back anything, certainly talent---

currently lost in retirement----

Our mature, intelligent neighbor to the north..
Is planning on legalizing weed NATIONALLY
next year!
Fucking Excellent!

Japan is suffering again--
due to shit weather the
their potato crop died--
a national potato chip shortage!!
Potato chip shortage Japan
Japanese scientists are hard at work on this problem..

Since last posting on our Jeep project..
I filled it with gas-and power washed
some of the caked on mud off it--
I have to try and flush the caked mud out
of the door channels?
While on a test drive--
The "check engine" light came on??
Although the Haynes manual advises this indicates
emission control problems--
which on a vehicle i got for lawn sod is---
tiny violin time--
but the wipers don't work, NO ac, still trouble with
all the doors, parking brake is a no-go
and it's still pretty much 
like the truck the Beverly Hillbillies owned.
At least it still runs.
Long way to go on this project and I still 
do not know if the jeep was a good or a bad idea.
Experimental guitarist Alan Holdsworth 
has passed away--
An early adopter of looping--

There's been more than enough written
on United dragging a paying passenger 
off their aircraft, smashing his head--
We are all merely cattle to them---
I thought it might be interesting to read
about the class above first
class which United airlines has
where no-one gets assaulted/bumped,
secret doors, driven direct to your aircraft
no one grabs your balls--
if you have enough money that is--
think of the movie Elysium--
but in commercial air travel !
for the rich and famous only airline class
makes regular first class passengers feel--
This two tiered system of life 
must change--
either by choice on the part of the rich--
or not--

This past week we got to see 
Billy Bob Thornton and the Boxmasters 
at our local venue---
took these cellphone photos at the show--
They were excellent!
Great musicians, very tight and a really
enjoyable show.
Billy Bob was very accessible and funny..
He took pictures with our neighbors and was
really human!
We had a great time!

My personal geek world
is glowing due to the new MST3K
on Netflix...
after a long wait----
What's cool is it is not a copy--
it is true to the original concept of the show..
The movies they are playing are awesomely awful..
the riffing on the movies is outstanding!!!