Tuesday, September 25, 2018

My chances of being cool are ruined for life.....

 This week...disturbed....
by what's going on...

In the original Blade Runner film was claimed to take place in
Even the local Sheriff does not believe the
cover story for the FBI assault on the 
Sunspot New Mexico observatory..?
I wrote regarding this very strange incident 
last week...
i think...

I am a NAG THE VOTE member...
We are attempting to turn out ALL Democratic and Socialist 
voters for the 2018 mid-term elections...
as i write this there are 
42 days 12 hours 38 minutes and 36 seconds
until the midterm election..

The entire UN laughed at Trump today...
when he started his speech with a huge lie...
He's not so funny, motherfuckers, when he's
your "supposed" leader believe me...!

Yes finally the new season on Netflix will 
start Nov. 22...!

Al Matthews has passed away at 75.
Matthews portrayed Sgt. Apone 
in the absolutely classic SF film ALIENS.....
This truly sucks...
He was a classic....

"River of Tears"
youtube.com RIVER OF TEARS

So very fucking disturbing
on so many levels....

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

All you scary guys with the low I.Q.s, don't call any more...

Better----I think---?

In 2012 The Republican Party of North Carolina 
pushed a bill thru their state senate denying climate change and outlawing 
the State from acknowledging climate change or planning to combat it...
In 2012 North Carolina banned climate change science..
I don't wish anyone trouble or-------
for anyone to get hurt ...
Lets see how that law works out for you,
in the next coming week with Hurricane Florence...?
I'm sure the North Carolina Republicans will
NOT pass a law refusing Federal aid for
a storm that's been determined to have been
enhanced by climate change tho..?
100 miles from my house...
The FBI suddenly closed down the 
National Solar Observatory....
On Security grounds...?
No shit--!!!
What possibly could be a security issue at a
..National Solar Observatory...?
I mean 
 they are just looking at the fucking sun, you know...?
I mean they are not even looking at real fucking planets,
and it's operated by the National Science Foundation..?
Just lonely science, sun guys up there, you know...?
I actually observed the Blackhawk helicopters mentioned 
in the articles flying over my house towards 
north western New Mexico...the other day and wondered
what the fuck was going on...it is really unusual to
see Blackhawks in motion here in
Southeastern New Mexico...?
There are times I love my New Mexico..
especially when it comes to----
But the FBI and military helicopters--?
for an observatory---
come on now---
Now this is the official explanation---????
But military helicopters for a law enforcement problem..?

we don't have to TRY to make you look bad dude...
you got that cornered...!
Donald Trump says democrats trying to make him look bad

Conservative Texans are pissed-off
at Willie Nelson for Supporting Beto O'Rourke.????
Do these people have no actual, fucking clue as to who 
Willie Nelson is really is..???
Willie-Nelson-supporting Beto-O'Rourke-sparks-conservative outrage
Could they have actually thought Willie was a Republican..??
Texan Genius strikes again....
Texas Voters
removed Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller from
their official state history textbooks in Texas...?
Somebody must have told them Helen Keller 
was a democrat...?
With education--You get what you pay for---
A stupid public is the Republican goal...!

Is it just me or has
he been dangerously quiet
this past week...?

that when i get to feeling like the world 
is fucking me over...I will re-read this---