Monday, October 25, 2021

Is it ME? Am I a MAGNET for these idiots?

Thinking too much....

As another example of Republican bullshit
the threatened "massive walkout" of
Chicago police over Vaccination requirements.
Turns out to be 21 officers out of 12,770...
decided to retire early or leave...
Where their insane Lt. Governor Patrick,
posted bounties for anyone who would
turn in an incident of voter fraud 
in the last election,
The million dollar bounty fund, 
from his campaign funding
found a single case of voter fraud...
and he voted twice in Pennsylvania???

We received our Moderna Covid 
booster vaccine today..
One of the reasons why people like
myself are so pro-vaccination,
for anything,
Is that when we were children we lived 
through Polio pandemics..
Our little friends wound up like
this poor woman..
through no fault of their own.
Vaccines then and now are
a miracle..

Bursts of what a good, sweet dog
he will be once he is an adult.
Inter-spaced by bouts of
 insane 80 lb. puppydom?

Lockdown sessions..

Jay Black..
The voice of Jay & the Americans,
passed away this week at 82.
He toured for years after they broke up
and supposedly his voice stayed perfect and 
strong right up to the end.
I played his songs in so so so many bands.
This truly sucks...

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Hey, it's not slimy at all!

The pandemic continues..

The life expectancy of the average human
male in the United States is 
75.1 years....

I think it's safe to say that
Bill Clinton---
has FINALLY worn out his crotch..?

Texas Republicans are apparently never done, 
harassing regular humans.
They recently shut down an 
LGBT state support website,
that included a suicide hotline.

Last year's Kentucky "Redneck Rave" body count:
one impalement on a slit throat..
loss of multiple fingers...
one strangulation...
50 criminal charges for dealing dope, etc...
God knows how much Covid...
So, of course, Kentucky decides let's do it again...
It's sort of Burning man but they set themselves
on fire instead of a big wooden man...?

I got my new banjo set up the other day.
I installed the bridge and played 
my first song..
Plastic Jesus
I have a massive amount of learning to do however---
All the while....
My Yankee ancestors are spinning 
in their graves.
 I installed an armrest on one
of my mandolins.
It's designed to allow the instruments
top to vibrate better since your picking
arm is not resting on the top dampening it.
No damping helps create a 
much better, cleaner, clearer sound.

It's been awhile since I have written
anything on boomboxes....
I just recently ordered a "new"
old style boombox...
Chinese box
pictured below.
It is one of the few "new" boomboxes
maintaining a "classic" styling.
I really ordered it against the rise
in prices on both new and vintage
boxes...and the worry that
soon boomboxes may just disappear
from my price range.
So I went for it.
This is a smaller box but it has a lot of options, 
and it looks great. 
It's Chinese and quality is supposed to
be a crapshoot with them according to the reviews
 but---what isn't in today's world?

If you are into cassette tapes
check out---

On Netflix....

Leo Kottke

Just ordered this...
I wanted to learn why
Quantum Physicists
now believe nothing is real?