Wednesday, October 25, 2017

This aggressive niceness is making me feel uncomfortable!

 Trying to psych myself up via positive thinking...

Although making Pole Dancing an Olympic event
may, for sure, raise viewer numbers....
pole dancing is getting closer to being an Olympic sport
Many obstacles must be overcome first...
Finding enough young, pole dancing, confused women whose guitarist
boyfriends will allow them to leave the county is one--?
Then hosting countries will have to
construct the correct type venue...
 Will the judges score these athletes by inserting
dollar bills into their thongs---?
The most dollars at dances end equal a gold medal?
 I would really really like to be there
when the real athletes are informed that
Tiffany over there, gets a gold medal...

I am more successful every day at removing myself
from the psychotic nature of our "new" society...
My campaign to consciously pull back from the world
 has been good for me? Maybe?
I have stopped ranting at Trump world--
This retreat has given me time to prepare for winter...
I am collating projects specifically to occupy me during the winter..
such as:
Building my first battery powered watch
rather than my usual mechanical models..
This winter I will conquer computer gaming..
no matter how long it takes..
Practice the guitar until my fingers fall off--
make new West Coast jazz cassette tapes
for my collection..
Set up and actually learn how to 
use my telescope this winter...
I do freely admit however,
 that hootching up in the winter
and concentrating on inside projects 
can have undesired results for me tho--

Fats Domino passed...
I guess you have to be as old as I am to understand this...

On Netflix---
This show is fucking amazing!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

See, 'this' should have a brain in it!

This week started somewhat grim....
but got better....
I did spend the week
trying to come to grips with, well,

Would Trump simply roll up into a ball
and disappear if--
 The news agencies just stopped reporting on him,
if twitter blacklisted him...
and the mass of Americans stopped reading anything related to him?
The most potent weapon against Trump is 
our unique human ability to simply
He is without question a complete, utter, asshole narcissist 
My belief is that a national ignore Trump program
that really worked would literally destroy him....

I discovered from on one of my geek sites,
Bettina Rodriguez Guilera
is running for Congress in Florida...
She is superbly qualified as a Republican
Congressman since:
she claims to have been
 kidnapped by Aliens...?
Tall, Blondie ones---???
No shit she talks about it...?
My response,
 based on what's been going on politically 
right here, right now---?
Why the fuck not?
She's the veritable, icing,
Bat Shit Republicanism..
She should fit right in ?

My desk laptop stand-arm-well-thingy
arrived and I installed it...
It works pretty well----
I was unable to get a single fucking game 
to work on ANY of my old laptops---
could be me (probably) 
or it could be the equipment,
 So I wound up installing a test game on my 
current in use laptop--the first test game works
excellent now--I still have to figure out how
to make the game controller work---
but hey---at least i am gaming!!!

On Netflix streaming--
Never seen this before---