Saturday, January 30, 2021

It's Endor, so hopefully he'll be ripped apart by Ewoks.

I apologize for the suck blog last week....
My brain would simply not function...
I was in freefall....?

As much as I believe that the citizens of Arkansas
get the leadership they deserve---?
I stand totally and completely amazed by the fact
that Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Believes she can step out of the bizzaro world
universe she helped enable for her
"fearless leader" 
and become:
The fucking Governor of 
the great state of Arkansas?
She actually believes that after the 
insane SHIT she pulled on citizens
and becoming a complete Facist,
she deserves to hold public office?
These Trumpist Republicans are, 
morally, spiritually and mentally,
the walking dead....
Only 5--FIVE Republican Senators voted
to accept the impeachment charges sent up 
for the House after
Sent his insane, ignorant follower mob--
to kill all of them, ALL...of them....
 Republicans included--?
If you do not impeach him--he will send the mob 
after you---idiots,

I loved this---
the amount of sage necessary to clean
the bad vibes out of the white house.

Full stupid, Trumpist, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt
of Oklahoma---
based on Trumps medical opinion, 
bought 2 million dollars worth of
The "supposed" miracle drug that Trump "claimed"
could cure Covid:
 which of course,
 just apparently kills people...
Stitt is now trying to get the state's money back---?
Good luck on that one--!
This shit drug was pedaled by Trump lap-dogs
for nothing but profit off the deaths of hundreds of thousands....
Stitt's other great ideas are as follows:
Calling pregnant women (HOSTS...)
like in the Aliens movies....
Stitt wants to establish an "official"
Bigfoot hunting season in Oklahoma...
Can you see where this all sorta fits together--?
Yeah there is nothing at all wrong with
Republicans--they deserve to be in charge of everything--?

I fully realize now,
 that I am old---
I have absolutely no concept of who
99% of the "famous" people are now.
News articles on actors, rappers, actresses, celebrities,
 their marriages, their divorces, their social media insanity...
their commentary on our society--?
I have zero fucking clue who they are..?
They and what they say and do,
 are all meaningless to me..?
I am so very happy with this condition---

Poland, Japan, Greece, South Korea are all disappearing.
Their birthrates are in the toilet.
We are next.
The lowest birthrates in these shrinking countries is a
1.3% birth rate....
We in the US are currently at 1.9% birth rate.
Lack of funds, lack of a better future, an economic system
that does not reward parents, lack of child care, lack of social welfare,
lack of state sponsored medical care...economic oppression by 1%er's.
All mean an intelligent person will not have children.
It is Idiocracy..


So strange..
This was very informative
Trumpism is a cult almost exactly like this one...?

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Do not use sharp objects for three weeks after viewing this

I understand NOTHING
of the world around me anymore---?
No matter how hard I try...?


One of the few good things as a result of this plague
is the realization that we as a nation have 
been brainwashed into believing
 we here are the "best"
in the world at everything.
We are the least creative nation.
We flounder about in our past glories?
We have a severe affordable housing shortage----
We could be building housing like Bolwoningen
in Holland.
But no---
We are a nation unable to think creatively now--
Possibly unable to think at all---?
Could we ever possibly change our priorities? 

A very short blog this week---
I am seemingly out of outrage--
My supply of outrage has been exhausted..?
The Republicans remain total assholes?
They will never change?
The lockdown wears on me?
I await vaccination--endlessly--?
I feel---