Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Does it hurt when I----OW!

 It's hot here in New Mexico this summer--
I realize you are probably thinking---Well---Duh--
It's hotter than the normal New Mexico hot as hell.
The afternoon's have been running at 104-105 degrees F 
for over a week now and will supposedly continue.
Luckily, being retired I can call it quits outside at about
1100 hrs or 95 degrees as we call that time, to spend the afternoons
indoors in the A/C for old-ass protection.
Otherwise its--
I actually got hammered by the heat the other day--
a first for me--Dizzy, nauseous, exhausted--
it took me the rest of the day to recover.
This incident was scary---
at my age you think anything that goes wrong with you--
even the pain from stubbing your toe,
is, of course, a stroke!
Anything that results in what can be classified as a weird feeling after 60 years old
ignites the "stroke warning" siren in your head..
Anyway I got over it---
This entire discussion on the recent heat is for no purpose other than 
trying to feel better through bitching...!

Because of splendid spring weather we had
and from what i am told the recent extreme heat.
We are under attack by waves of mice this summer.
This is another thing that is outside of the norm
for us--sure a few mice now and then
but not the hordes that we have had this summer.
We have trapped and disposed of probably 30 mice--luckily all outside,
or our in our sheds.
Thank God none in the house--as of yet anyway.
We even found a mouse hole the little bastards chewed through
the wall of the shed....?
The amazing thing to me was that it was just fucking identical to
the mouse holes you would see in a cartoon when you were a kid.
You know--? The Tom and Jerry mouse hole?????
I stood there staring at the cartoon mouse hole dumbfounded and amazed...!
Our basic rule with nature is if bugs, and animals stay out of our way
we leave them alone....we stay out of their way....
We don't fuck with nature--
fucking with nature is how 
the vast majority of rednecks die, horribly and in pain. 
This mice attack has definitely been out of bounds on their part.
We are fighting them off--but i have to admit this winter
if this horde is still around,
when the cold arrives it could drive the mice inside--
which is what we are trying to prevent. 
This is a place I stumbled onto perusing the web..
Check out the stuff they find---

In route---
A history of US intelligence overflights of the Soviet Union
in the 50's-60's and 70's.
Before Satellite surveillance American aircraft
would race across Russia taking photographs,
chased by Soviet fighters and often shot-down.
Classified for years.

The road to hell, as we all know, is paved with
good intentions.
Real Murican's have risen to the challenge--
of repaving every mile of that road--
by guarding recruitment stations against
 possible terrorist attacks.
That is, until one of these loons cranked off a round
out in front of the recruitment station he was guarding
sort of defeating the whole purpose of making 
these places safe for other real Murican's
 They were finally chased off by the real Government after this negligent discharge.
Reviewing these photo's taken of the Spartan-like 
volunteer guards at recruitment facilities tells a story doesn't it...
From combat sandals and junk food residue to
 the guy below in the Murican flag jumpsuit
sitting in a fucking hover chair???
Note the well armed homeless looking dude by the door,
is he a guard or a suspect?
I especially enjoy the stripper in the office chair missing a day of pole dancing
to do her duty as a real Merican!
I guess part of the protection plan was that possible Muslim terrorists 
would get so excited shoving dollar bills in her G-string
they would forget the whole attack thing--?
Could we possibly get any more dumb shit as a country??
At least somebody had the class to duct-tape the flag up
and bring their hot-hot-hot-armed girlfriend with them..
 Bambi could suntan and defend military recruitment all at the same time...

A government employee running a clandestine meth lab
in a government building at the Institute of Standards and Technology,
blows himself and part of the building up cooking meth????
Just in writing these words I am actually thinking:

I have finished my most recent
project the 1/72 British Arvo Vulcan.
It makes up into a beautiful aircraft.
It would be hard to dispute that the Arvo Vulcan
was the most beautiful aircraft of all time--compare it to a B-52 of the same time frame
and there is just no contest---
I painted my Vulcan in 1960's
Nuclear Anti-Flash white,
This paint scheme was intended to protect the aircraft and crew from the flash and heat
of a low level nuclear bomb drop.
I am still working on airfield ground support equipment for the Vulcan's display board.
Since this last model turned out fairly well (to me anyway)
I will be continuing on model building indoors during the 
extremely hot, summer New Mexico, afternoons with a 
1/72 TU-95 Soviet Bear, turbo-prop nuclear bomber.
This is a huge kit in 1/72 scale and very complicated,
but it builds into an awesome aircraft.
The Tu-95 was the aircraft displayed when
the US wished to portray the Soviet Union as the
threatening evil empire--
A good choice since the Tu-95
 is a truly bad bad-ass aircraft--
The Praying Mantis
of nuclear bombers.

We watched 4 episodes of this small town, UFO-conspiracy
 streaming TV show---called Granite Flats--
and then found out--
it's created by the Mormons!!!!
Since when was there a Mormon TV channel
creating and making UFO TV shows???
Did I miss something very important regarding television while I was asleep?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I think we as a culture peaked in High School

Life is good again---
I caught a huge break--
My 2006 Brabus, diesel, Smart for Two had 
instigated a huge mental depression for me...
My Pocket Rocket's parking brake had frozen in the locked position.
The parking brake just locked up with no prior warnings or indication of a problem.
Immovable for two weeks.
For ten days I ran through every possible
solution I had found in multiple Internet searches 
for this particular brake problem--all with negative results.
I was completely and totally at a loss of what to do
and rabidly bummed-out.
I was left with no other option than to
take the vehicle's parking brake system apart--
with no schematics or any concept of what i was actually suppose to fix.
I was seriously depressed thinking that i could do more damage
than good to a vehicle that I have truly grown to love.
I put off tackling the problem as long as I could
through endless researching, cleaning the garage,
 organizing and re-organizing my tools over and over again...
I would sit in the garage pretending to be thinking out the problem from all directions---
Anything was preferable than getting lost in a maze of mechanical parts
that would have no meaning for me.....
On the very morning that I had brutally shamed myself into starting to
actually disassemble important parts of the vehicle,
I decided to try one last time to tap on the rear brake
drums with a of the Internet possible solutions....
and this time it fucking WORKED!
It was as if the Pocket Rocket
just decided to work,
 as suddenly as it had locked up--it unlocked???
I immediately did the happy dance in the garage!!!!
My Pocket Rocket, diesel Smart for Two, has been running
perfectly since this singular incident---
The moral of the story I guess, is that 
there are times when fear, doubt and procrastination
can actually provide positive results---?
but just in case---I have vowed 
The day the Pocket Rocket fixed itself--
I walked back into the house from the garage
feeling totally huge--
"Yeah baby I fixed it, totally no problem for man of my skills."

 John McCain is a multi-millionaire asshole....
But Donald Trump was a worse multi-millionaire asshole for 
slamming him about being a P.O.W.

I am building a 1/72 model of the British Arvo Vulcan
nuclear bomber.
It is completely strange that something that was so 
incredibly dangerous to the human race..
could be so beautiful--

How is it that Religious Conservative Republicans
can be so outraged at every-fucking-thing--
except their own beliefs and actions?

54 years of Embargo and conservative stupidity
over Cuba 
finally ended this week.
Maybe there is hope for us----

I find it hysterically funny that the most common fear-mongering
insult that can be thrown at an opposition politician...
"He's a Socialist."
Doesn't work against Bernie Sanders....
He has called himself a Socialist his entire Political Career
and won.
Pointing a finger at him in a debate and screaming 
Socialist, means nothing when he just says 
Nobody fucking cares he's a Socialist.
They care about what he is saying.

Disgruntled Chinese patients 
are attacking their Doctors over poor service they have received.
cure me or I'll kick your ass!
and this is wrong eh how?

It's official 
My hero's
The Lone Gunmen
will be part of the new X-files series.
The Lone Gunmen ride again

The Japanese are amazing.
They have specific verbiage for any and everything.
Lonely dudes in Japan who sit in their rooms playing
 guitar for hours by themselves are called:
bochi guitarisuto
(Lone guitar)
No band, no friends.
But now thanks to a small machine
bochi guitarisutos can have an instant backing band for their 
extreme but lonely grooves.
Nobody wants to play with me except this box...
I myself am a bochi guitarisuto 
and i am going to look into one of these
for when winter comes and I start practicing again.
did i just bitch slap my-own-self??????

A Michael Mann movie--and therefore outstanding.
Strangely there are critic's that really panned this film.
Don't believe them--this film is excellent....
This was pretty good--but----
It was a little too much like Gordon Gekko goes hunting..
The 6 wheeled Mercedes SUV was the
third star of the movie.
We liked it because they filmed it in New Mexico
and perfectly displayed how my adopted state's climate 
can kill you in a heartbeat--