Saturday, November 28, 2020

It's just a simple matter of "What the hell is going on?"

I have had it easier than most during lockdown.
I have never felt, truly felt as if I had a tribe---
I have never had that feeling throughout my
entire life, that embrace of 
of having a real place within a group,
of acceptance without
from early childhood I knew...
I learned how to pretend to feel, 
to act,
as if I have belonged to various groups.
Groups themselves demand this pretending.
In return
they have pretended that I did almost belong....
We all knew that it was pretend.
I have always been separate,
no matter what the superficial appearance may have been...
I was always waiting to be found out and cast out.
That one day the group would stare at me 
and just know--?
It is now easier, perhaps due to age
since there are no demands on me to 
join, enter, or be forced into a group.
Perhaps, it is simply that with a massive number
of years of living in the pretend mode,
I no longer care...?

Will 2020 end already and the weirdness abate--?
I am sure you are aware by now that
a state helicopter crew working in Utah discovered
a stainless steel monolith in the middle of
totally fucking nowhere..
To prove how "fucking middle of nowhere"
this is, the helicopter crew was conducting a
count of bighorn sheep which go nowhere near
even the slightest hint of civilization...
Even if some bizarre artist planted this thing there,
it would have been never found but for this 
accidental overflight...?
This is so totally bizarre---?

The Marines are wanting in on the 
Trumpian Space Force fiasco...

Yeah--that worked out so good for:
Privates Hudson, Vasquez, Drake, Frost, Spunkmeyer, Crowe, and Wierzbowski,
 Corporals Dietrich and Ferro, 
Sergeant Apone, and Lt. Gorman.

The memory of you already fades...
The vision of you already dims..
Soon you will be simply a bad dream
that slithers away into the night....

Somehow they were all shocked when we dragged them
out of their palaces in the past...???

River of Tears...

Saturday, November 21, 2020

When they said amateur night they weren't kidding.


I find myself unable to write about our current conditions--
political and pandemic.
There seems to be absolutely nothing inside of me
left to address these things---?
Forgive me--?
I find consolation in smaller things around home,
and await a change for the better..?

I've been watching the Space X Dragon's spaceflight
on the ISS live feeds.
Well when the live feeds actually work..?

There are now apparently 3 space super powers.
Russia-China-and Elton Musk..?
I have discovered another indicator that 
displays when
one has reached geezer status....
I have been attempting to come to grips with working
my new digital recorder, a Tascam DR-05X.
It has a large, central multi-function button-pad
that performs a gazillion necessary elements 
in the DR-05X's process--
I have discovered that when Geezerdom strikes,
multi-function buttons become the devil.
Lost in multi-functioning,
I sit and wonder why oh why did we throw away
simple, does one thing, mechanical toggle switches.

Really---This is what we have come to--?
Tokyo was voted the best city in the world to 
live in this year...?
I can understand why Tokyo received this award
but yet...
Tokyo can be very, very strange for Gaijin...


"All time low"
Reina Del Cid..
A song we all need right now--!
Loving this--
number stations, ghost busting, weird characters
what's not to love...?

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Someone wants to admit that they wrote this?

This has been spoken of, written about and discussed.
To me it is,
merely fitting
that the staff of the "very stable genius",
holds a press conference to
 lie about winning the election,
in a parking lot next to a dildo store?
The universe is attempting to tell us something.

I am trying to rebuild my concept  for gigs...
I am trying new equipment, new songs and
new techniques.
Part of this process will be using a digital recorder.
I will be able to record, then, critique myself.
I'll make changes on an evidence based system.
I just ordered a Tascam DR-05X digital recorder.

Tascam DR-05X

Now all I have to do is figure out how to use it properly...?

My blogs have been somewhat shorter than
normal lately--
I just do not want to write based on what
we are facing here at this moment.
I sit at the keyboard and shake my head...
I'll do my best--but--?