Wednesday, November 29, 2017

I'll be using this condescending tone until the mid-2000's

Things have turned to outstanding--
I could go on and on---
Just plain fucking happy for the first time in a long time...

The female version of the unabomber...
forgot the first rule of unabombing....
that you can't be a terrorist mail bomber--
and a cat lady at the same time!

MST3K got renewed for a second season on
Mystery science theater 3000 the return is coming back
I am so so so glad this new version is returning for a second season,
without it where would i find the most cultured cinema...?

There is a new, scientific study on why the 1% are assholes--
Being in power causes brain damage
I, however, believe my simpler alternative theory,
based on Occam's razor--
Occam's razor
 They are all just assholes....

This guy is going to launch himself into space
on a homemade rocket to prove the earth
is flat...
You know, more power to him...
I have an entire list of individuals,who,
would decide to launch themselves into space...?

Wind River 
is the most outstanding film
I have seen in years...
The script, acting, photography were all outstanding...
was way better than the criticism 
leveled at it by the geek community--
it was really, kinda, beautiful...

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Due to an error, there are still a few of you left alive....

A church in San Jose' California is featuring
"Joints for Jesus" 
as part of their religious program...
If this would only catch on with Evangelicals 
it might remove the stick from their collective
Think about it tho---
If there really was a Jesus, and he really did have to
listen to all your whinny, praying, shit everyday--
of course he would fire up!
Joints for Jesus California Church...!!!

I keep saying this but---
Murica' we are the third world now...
Oppressed by the same P.O.S greedy, power couples...
who consider we regular humans as their serfs..
it doesn't matter whether it's...
Mnuchins or Mugabes
Africa or Murica'
They want it all...
Having it all may not actually be enough---
 based on the looks on their wives's faces...
I'd sleep with one eye open dudes....

and of course this may sound bizarre...
as all my, by myself, thinking ranks bizarre...
but it would be great if...
the death of Charles Manson,
 that little prick...
somehow could/would absolve we baby boomers,
as a societal Sin-Eater..
of all
our sins against the world?
As if Charles Manson, finally fucking, dying would absolve us 
from the other enormous mistakes,
 we boomers have made against humanity.

Malcom Young passed away

If you happened to read last week's blog
you know i ordered an octave pedal in a 
last ditch attempt to enlarge my solo guitar sound...
My order when it arrived turned out not
to be an octave pedal, which i requested, 
but rather the below displayed "Mod" station pedal???
Which i had absolutely no fucking idea of what it did?
Rather than return it, i was struck by the thought that...
The universe had sent me this pedal rather than the one
I selected..
Perhaps the Universe had provided a solution...
You know, how people fucking talk about this kind of shit all the time..
perhaps this miss-supplied pedal might be THE solution...
provided by the Universe for my guitar sound dissatisfaction ?
All that the "Universe shall provide"... shit,
 apparently doesn't fucking work that way for me?
I must not have the Universe prime account or something?

used--and old but i had never read this...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Drink it all. Sometimes the poison's at the bottom...

Mentally the same...
I have seemingly perfected a method
of internal mental disarray shrouded in 
an exterior pose, of Ok-ness?
We are all under siege on a daily basis by our
One of the causation theories I have thought about 
is that part of my mental dissatisfaction/disassociation 
with myself...
may be in part due to the fact that my 65th year will
soon come to a close... 
I expected more of this year--i suppose?
As to what i expected,
 I have no answer to that?

I am violating my no news policy because----
The Republican party has finally found
the perfect Senate candidate to represent their values..
Roy Moore from Alabama...
A bible thumping, gay hating,
twice removed hanging judge 
from Alabama,of course, 
who likes
the ten commandments...
but who loves...
 14 year old girls...
The American Taliban, right wing evangelicals,
have started throwing around bullshit that Jesus's mom 
was underage too--so everythings fine with ole Roy....
and his little girlfriends...
That should work out well for them when/if
 they ever meet their supposed boss?
People in power in Alabama are like:
We always knew he was like this????
Trump was not enough you know?
A failed reality show President was not 
Murican' enough...
They need/want this fucking guy????
If Roy Moore actually gets to the Senate...
I do hope North Korea nukes us, 
because if this POS goes to the Senate....
there is just no hope left....

In a last ditch attempt to enlarge
my solo guitar sound...
I ordered the world's cheapest octave pedal.
I hope this give me the big sound i am seeking on 
multiple songs...
I am always so torn in buying something like this...
since it was probably made by slave labor...
but what the fuck you know?
How can one avoid that in today's world???
 my current projects are on hold...
due to ongoing fails...
I require some deep organizational thoughts prior 
to resuming any projects....

I've mentioned that stray cats love our house..
We had three, gray, stray cats,
 just hanging out on
our front stoop today?
Just laying about on our porch steps...
I mean is this something for 
Stranger Things 3 or what???

It was like being inside William Gibson's brain...
On streaming: