Saturday, September 26, 2020

Someone with attention deficit disorder edited this.

6.85 million cases---200 thousand deaths...

Still we allow him to run for office yet again...

Of course they are all corrupt..
It has become the inherent nature of the 1%.
For all of their supposed, superiority,
They understand not what is coming---
They are making it happen----

The Russians arrested a guy, 
Sergei Torop,
 who's followers
claim he is reincarnation of Jesus--?
They used Helicopters and Special Forces
to arrest him----
They must have been a little bitty bit afraid 
of that "being smote" shit--?

There are many, many items I discover on
the internet that I cannot, within the confines 
of my own mind, decide if the item in question,
tremendously cool or tremendously insane...?
The Microclimate helmet is one of those items.
Protection from Covid-19 
a very unique method of getting humans 
to stay the fuck away from you?
I have to admire the details in construction
laid out on the item's website below--?
You tell me cool or insane--?

I have finished my first paint by number adventure..
I learned several things from this project.
First-I really enjoy doing paint by numbers,
as long as the subject appeals to me..
especially anything Science Fiction orientated
for my Nerd Command Center...
Second-I immediately ordered additional
paint by number sets...
including the one illustrated below..

She's been a judge for 3 years--

A smaller than usual blog this week for I 
am disgusted at our society...
I have no desire to write, to perform any analysis
on anything/anyone active involved now.
As I begin to think on/of our current circumstances
I immediately become disgusted and retreat.
We are no longer a society that values thought.
For proof I offer the fact
that our ruler is a former reality show host.
We deserve whatever we get.

On Netflix streaming---

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Genius waits for no one!

The Republicans while Rome burns....

Being old has it advantages...and disadvantages..
The disadvantages are well known--
The advantages are discussed less.
Being old now I can try things I never thought of doing when
 doing paint by number--?
I can hear you screaming "uncool" out there..!
So I am going to try to do visual art for the first time--?
It may turn out to be a complete disaster>>>
but I care not--!
I ordered the below paint by number kit of an
Astronaut in a field of sunflowers..
I like it and it would be cool hanging in my
Nerd Cave/Weird Science Command Center
at home.
If it comes out looking like it is suppose to..?
I am going to find out....???

There are signs out there--
Signs that we could be truly fucked...?
We just never pay attention to signs, till it is too late.

Could this be the protomolecule---?

South Dakota Republicans, 
bored with killing their citizens with Covid,
now use their cars....
The South Dakota Attorney General,
(the guy below in the red tie of course)
claimed he hit a deer but ran over a voter..?

Scroll through these change maps and weep...

This happened just before I published this blog---
I am beside myself-- in a spiral of despair...
We are lost...
They are going to pick some Conservative asshole
destroying RBG's legacy and our country.
I fall deeper and deeper into a hatred of us....

Reina Del Cid