Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I don't get it? Is it cool to make no sense------------------------Is it hip to be vague?

We have been feeling blocked lately?
In fact we came up with a new word for 
this peculiar condition---
The constant, useless propaganda bullshit out of the
election process has made both of us edgy and anxious!
We just want this insanity done with!
Truth are lies, lies are truth...
This desire to just fucking finish this cluster fuck,
in and of itself is bad, for once the election
is over we citizens are back to being nothing more
to the winner than:
Or, I could be, as usual totally fucked up??
No matter tho---
My wife and I will absolutely have to be more vigorous 
in creating our own reality.
There will be much adjustment required
in the aftermath of this abortion of an election.
The world will have to be kept at arms length!

If you break out of prison in Haiti...
Haiti prison break
Did you just fuck up?

Tom Hayden died..
76 years old.
He fought the good fight against the
Viet Nam war and attempted to
build a better society all his life..
No matter your politics or belief structures,
you have to admire someone who 
walks their talk!

Scientists are launching--
A 100 million dollar radio telescope search
to determine if an Alien Mega structure circles a suspect star?
If there wasn't the slightest possibility
that something like this exists--
how do you raise 100 million to look for it???
I think the world rulers know something more
than they are telling us in briefings?

Having finished--the body re-finish....on the Schecter rebuild,
I lined the electronic compartments with
copper foil tape...
this is supposed to help create a pure sound
from pickups and prevent electronic humming
from the various control mechanisms?
I then re-threaded the original wiring harness
back through the guitar body--
the blue tape are makers as to what wire
is what from dis-assembly...
this was much harder than it reads...
I then began working on reconnecting the electronics
to the new pickups but 
my soldering gun was too low wattage
to do the job on the various wiring gauges
--requiring me to---
order a new soldering gun kit
with adjustable temperature settings...
to properly attempt this re-wiring?
While awaiting the new soldering iron I worked on details.
I had ordered a "hope to fit" blacked out Les Paul bridge
 which,of course, did not fit this guitar!
The original bridge is chrome---
Which is just not going to ride along with all
the new blacked out hardware, so...
I am in the process of attempting to black out
this original bridge without (hopefully) screwing up
the mechanics.
What you are seeing in these photographs is sticky tacky
masking the individual string risers and adjustment
screws--I hope this works and holds up during use--
only time will tell?

It just may be me...
I think the last movie i actually liked was Mad Max
Thunder Road.
Everything else lately has pretty much sucked...
Currently I am awaiting the DVD release of 
the only two, upcoming movies that interest me at all....

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Oh, he's just the host organism...

A strange week since the last blog---
the only big news is that
we voted early....
I voted for JILL STEIN...
I could not physically,
 literally physically,
bring myself to pull the lever for Clinton...
I despise both Trump and Clinton...
I refused to vote for a democrat for President 
for the first time in my life--
We wanted Bernie--they gave us fucking CLINTON?
Jill Stein was the only choice left to me--
Although I agree with all Stein's positions--
I have no hope Stein will win--
I am sending a message with my vote--
hopefully many others will send the same message...
Fuck you DNC,
support real people or suffer the consequences..

Unfortunately not even the fret board of 
the advertising laden Schecter project was overlooked...
Fucking marketing!!!
This was a real problem due to my attempt to keep
this redesign in the cheap zone. 
Replacing the neck was out of the question.
After sanding and removing the head-stock advertising,
I resorted to cutting and adapting stick on fret-board
markers to cover the Jagermeister logo emblazoned 
on the fret board..
These rub on markers are suppose
to indicate 3-5-7-9-12th frets but
I cut and formed coverings for the
advertising out of two packets of fret markers
simulating a blueish marble inlay..
I remain unsure if this will work or look appropriate?
forging onward---
I applied my dragonfly logo to the head stock
and replaced the chrome tuners with blacked out 
substitutes and blacked out the Schecter truss rod cover.
At least the head stock looks good?
 I had completed the staining and Tung-oiling 
of the body of the Schecter guitar rebuild.
I then re-attached the neck to the guitar body
and test fitted the new pick-ups to the body
The below test fit is the project result so-far
A long, long way to go---
especially with the electronics 
for me, the tricky segment of this rebuild?
this project is starting to look more
like the guitar i want,
 compared to what i started with...
Pretty happy so far---

We ordered a Waterseer--
This is an awesome project under development
to provide water for the 3rd world--
(which in case you haven't been keeping up 
with current events is now us!)
The Waterseer pulls moisture from the air and
can provide up to 11 gallons of pure water a day.
Here in New Mexico a pair of Waterseers 
will provide drinking water protection against mega-droughts
and infra-structure failure...
An additional plus is in ordering one.
 a free one
will be provided to people in worse shape than us.

I was born
We are a people used to being constantly fucked with..
The result is that there is are acknowledged, underground contracts 
within the populace....
for example just to name a few:
Politicians are allowed to steal a reasonable amount--
Thieving from your employer is considered part 
of your benefit package--
stealing is one thing--
You never fuck with traffic !!!
Gov. Christie violated that people's contract--
Steal all you want but don't fuck with traffic!
For that violation Jerseyites will fuck him to death..

On DVD---

We would know nothing of the truth on the DNC conspiracy against Bernie,
Clinton's speeches, her foundation full of greedy suck asses, 
or Clinton's state department emails.
Without hackers
 America would be totally without truth.
We should be thanking them--whoever they are?

I know---I fell into writing about politics..
something i swore i wasn't going to do any longer..
I apologize--it was the voting that made me do it..