Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I'm here for the Gumby wedding...?

Cleaning up random projects...
all left in the midst of varying stages of completion...
Including finishing the Nerd Cave re-org...

Queen Elizabeth turned 90 this week--
Not only is she still going strong----
 British Monarch wise--
The Queen's 90th birthday gives us a chance to look back & remember 
what a true fucking hottie she once was...

If Hilary Clinton actually believes that
 Progressives will choke down their
puke and vote for her in the national election, she's delusional.
I believe that the vast number of Bernie supporters
such as myself will simply stay home on election day,
if Hillary is nominated.
Rather we crash and burn the country with Trump as President compared to another
notch in the Clinton dynasty's political belt and hundreds of millions more in their pockets,
and no real change for our nation.
Better to bet on the possibility of a progressive uprising after
the Trump Apocalypse.
It's not just strange old me feeling this way-
Fuck Hillary and let Trump destroy it philosophy is quickly gaining ground.
Bernie Or Else
why i say bernie or bust
Robert Reich
Prince just sort of got lost in the shuffle with me?
I couldn't name any of his music.
My life long friend and fellow musician Bill
considers him a great musician and that's good enough for me
so therefore his death officially sucks.

Just ordered this book used and am so looking forward
to reading it and discovering,new to me, jazz artists
playing the film noir, California style that I really enjoy!

This week:
Cleaned and re-strapped my Citizen eco-drive
white faced, Chronograph.

I promised photo's of my newest boombox for the collection,
A red Sanyo M-v50k...
It is in almost pristine condition.
A great addition to my collection!

A link to the first trailer of the new
Jason Bourne film:

We've been binge watching on DVD:
This show is surprisingly not too bad so far,
seeing as it comes from the SyFy channel?
Great visuals--

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I do not hurt innocent people. I have assistants for that.

This week has found me feeling horribly, strangely, old--
It is almost as if I do not recognize myself suddenly...
I am normally very accepting of my aging process..
This mood swing on the subject aging is unusual for me--
It's the first time this has happened.
The backyard rebuild is now complete!
The new sod is marvelous!

Although somewhat better--
my back is still giving me problems..

We are big fans of viewing the British mystery show
Midsomer Murders.
We don't necessarily follow it for the murder mysteries
but rather we watch for the beautiful villages, background countryside
 and English garden locations...
Being an American, it is so hard to 
believe places used as a backdrop in this show actually exist,
when compared to our world of strip malls filled with
nail parlors and payday loan offices?
Watching this show, is for me, an escape.
I often think that "Independence thing" of ours,
may have been vastly overrated..?

I replaced the battery, cleaned and
maintained my Seiko Flightmaster Chronograph.
I also replaced the standard issued leather band
for an OD green, Nato web band I had in stock.
This particular model Seiko is somewhat rare
in the United States, being much more popular overseas.

Tuesday night--
We fucking lost the NY primary to her--