Saturday, March 27, 2021

In addition to my huge greatness, I'm quite a guy.

There are times I cannot believe our world now--?

Researchers are wondering why---?
Some of our brain cells become more active
in the hours immediately after death than when we were alive?

In a surprise to no-one,
QAnon followers have a 3 times higher ratio
of mental health issues compared to the 
standard issued Murican'....
But the real surprise to me in this article is that apparently,
19% of all standard issue Americans
 have reported mental health issues????

Unfortunately another short blog this week...
I seem lately to be unable to get my 
shit together, to be organized.
I am working our yards for spring--
in a slump guitar wise--
and feeling as if I'm in a recurring loop of some kind?
Forgive me....

The surviving members of Little Feat
with Playing for Change...
Dixie Chicken...

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Let's go kill something we don't understand.

Since I am now double vaccinated
I went to a big-box store to get my eyes checked
and new glasses.
Glasses I've needed for a year in lockdown.
The noise, to me,  was incredible in the huge store....
I actually saw a guy with a hell of a MULLET....?
I apparently could easily consider,
 never leaving the house again...
But getting my teeth fixed is the next 
pandemic re-hab for me?

A very very short blog this week---
I seemed un-interested in everything?
The entire surrounding world appeared as
nothing but 

I did managed to complete two guitar
projects I have had on-going.
I completed the bridge and bridge nut repair
on my Alverez Om copy.
I re-strung it and also installed a very cheap, Chinese 
sound-hole pick-up..
It sounds FUCKING fantastic--?
I am amazed...
I even managed to complete the re-hab on my 
Hofner GT-3 headless...
It was in pretty rough shape having been 
stored away since the 1990's...
Although I actually had a spare set of the
special strings for this guitar stashed in it's
gig bag--amazing?
So I actually did manage to accomplish a
few positive things these past few days...

Yaphet Kotto
Parker from Alien has passed away at 81.
His acting ability helped make ALIEN 
a classic...!

This was different---
a bit like the film Spectral but nowhere near
a good--
interesting tho...?
I liked the Gumps..?

and taping
The Lumineers Live at the Paleo Festival 2016

Friday, March 12, 2021

I'm sorry, clearly you're not a psychopath.

I received my second vaccination
I immediately moved from worrying about when/if
I would get vaccinated...
To what will the world be like after we are all,
(the intelligent ones that is)
I can only hope, that somehow out of all of 
this tragedy..
We all could make it worth something...
by being better humans afterward.

How does it feel if you are a Republican to know,
that the Senators you voted for would easily, easily allow you to,
go broke, starve, become homeless, and die?
Your life, your children's lives mean nothing to them,
and so they offer zero help
during the worst pandemic of the century ?
How can you live with having voted for them?
How can you live with voting for them again?
How can you?

I received my "smart" watch...
mentioned in last week's blog...
I actually like it....
Which for me, is very strange...
I tend to resist new things....
I have to live with it for a bit longer to be absolutely sure--
that I really like it---?
It took me a bit to work through the instructions 
on linking to my phone...
the directions were in Chinglish---
This watch
 monitors heart beats per minute, steps,
how well you sleep, your temperature
and will display your daily stats on your phone app.
This watch also advises when you get a text, email
or will advise when you have a phone call.
It was amazingly cheap...

The inventor of the cassette tape is dead...
He was 94..and he changed my world---
I STILL record on cassette....
It is STILL my favorite format.
I still use Walkman's and Boomboxes.
I still use Lou Ottens invention 50 years later.
Thank you Lou...!

I pre-ordered this immediately from Amazon
before I even noticed that it was Kindle only--?
Neil Stephenson is one of my favorite authors.
I have a Kindle but it's not my preference...
I am a book person---?
But as long as I can get to read it...?

Story of a street busker and a child with
Read this to feel better...
I have because of the pandemic managed to
enlarge my set lists--up to 60 songs now
for gigs.
I've re-hab-bed several guitars, and am 
in the process of building a battery powered amp and effects
system to busk...?
I have tried my best to make the lockdown,
musically valuable to me....?
Who knows tho--?

Stevie Winwood, a guitar and a fireplace...