Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Better keep digging graves....This isn't going too well...

I get lost----
lose my way---
I don't know where I am going or the why behind
what i am doing...sometimes..?

I've been searching for a project to attempt..
To focus on---occupy my mind...
I had thought about hacking one of my old computers 
be able to do this---
to build a hacked together computer....
like this guy at the link below---
home built cyber-deck....
I wish i could take my old laptops, old computers
and build something viable out of them...
viable and of course, COOL...!
I have tried and tried and I am not willing to give up the idea that...
Someday I may accomplish a something out of nothing,
cool, useful, computer.....
But that's seemingly all beyond me ---- 
I'm getting back into--
I wanted to build something unusual to display in my nerd cave..
so I just ordered an over 2 foot long...
Soviet Typhoon Submarine model...
The Soviet Typhoon class submarine was the largest
submarine ever constructed...
it actually had a gym and small swimming pool
for it's crew...? Huge for a submarine...!
I think when finished it will be a perfect, very weird, display item
for my already weird nerd cave---
The bottom line is that I need something to 
occupy me during the afternoons when it is
just way, way too hot to work outside..!
To keep my mind working?
I'll post on the construction on this as i go along...

Betsy Devos our billionaire Secretary of Education...
who is another Trump dumb-shit donor/appointee....
Had one of her 10 yachts vandalized. 
Vandals (thank you by the way)
cut the boat loose from it's mooring and
it was damaged floating around banging against the dock...
The greater question is..?
No matter how huge a 1%er she is--?
How does she have 10 fucking yachts????????
How do you afford 10 fucking yachts...?
Why would you have 10 fucking yachts...?
What do you do with 10 fucking yachts---?
No matter that the American people cannot afford health care...
No matter that the majority of Americans cannot handle 
a $400 emergency...
No matter that in America a company CEO's make 300 times what
their average worker makes....
None of this matters to Betsy Devos...
She has 10 yachts..!
 I'll simulate a Republican responding to her "tragedy"...
(because this is a REAL republican tragedy---a broken yacht..!)
 by saying...
"Our thoughts and prayers are with her..."
Betsy Devos is a perfect example of why we need
to vote these useless vampires out of office..!!

The EXPANSE will have a 4th season....
Altered Carbon will have a second season....!

Ok---- so i laid off the trumps last week---
but that cannot last you know---
they won't stop being dumb shits.....?
Ivanka Trump has proven that she truly has her old man's 
well----business DNA..not sure about the rest of it...
 by bankrupting her clothing company...
I am proud to say tho that the American consumer had 
something to do with this failure by not buying her lousy
slave labor produced shit----
that she herself would never wear...
I don't even feel sorry for her employee's..
work for a Trump you are just going to get fucked...
ask Stormy Daniels...
it's just a given..

Trump's star on the walk of fame in Hollywood
was just vandalized for the second time apparently.
(thank you once again Vandals, by the way)
So two guys dressed up as Russian soldiers 
and stood guard over it...!
I cannot stop laughing...!!!
Laughing at Trump is the best revenge, the thing that
hurts him the most...!
Guys who dressed up like Russians,
to troll Trump...
I salute you...!

On DVD--
and on Netflix streaming---
this was excellent....!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Is it progress if we make cannibals use a fork...?

I remain with no clue as to what i am doing----

The CEO of United Airlines refused to even sit in coach
to be interview about traveling coach on his airline...
Yeah he wouldn't be caught dead in coach...
that's where the great unwashed travel...
the poor people...their butt's touched the seats..
My God man, I'm a CEO, 
you expect me to do what?

It's fucking hot,really hot, there for maybe the first time..?
Air conditioning is not a universal thing there...
and because of that,
they've lost a bunch of people to heatstroke---
I feel for them but----
with me living in the desert where it's always hot---
makes me look askew at societies that can't handle
what we consider to be like

So as I posted last week I was prepping to attempt to replace 
the solar charged battery/capacitor in my non-functioning Seiko
military chronograph...
I was somewhat concerned about having never done this
before and that it was a factory only fix...?
So the battery/capacitor arrived today and I thought i would try one
last time to light charge the watch and 
fuck if it didn't work...
This is spooky cause I have attempted to re-charge 
this watch multiple times before....and it has not worked
until now--maybe having opened the case for inspection 
jarred something free--?

The latest disgusting thing the Palin's are doing is
Bristol Palin, 
mother of 3 illegitimate children,
daughter of Super Republican, 
Failed (thank God) Ex-Vice Presidential candidate,
 Sarah Palin--
Was just hired to be on MTV's show--"Teen Mom..?"
Although while being paid to promote abstinence 
by fundamentalists she did managed to pump out three
illegitimate puppies....which for sure qualifies her for this
insane show...
Does anyone on "Teen Mom" realize that she's actually
 27 fucking years old---????

I am trying to focus more on good things....
I admit we are surrounded by bullshit...
I am trying not forget there is so much good shit
going on in the world 
This list of actual progress we are making in this world---
Let's not forget the new Jeff Goldblum statue in London...
This Cape May Police department found a lost
Pug and posted photo's of it on their social media account...
The owner got their beloved Pug back---
When you feel overwhelmed by bullshit--please...
try to remember bullshit is not all there is in the world...

One of my guitar students gifted me a 
fender volume pedal (on the right)...

Found a copy of this in a used book store---
I forgot how cool these were----

I've been streaming the Joy of Techs on Netflix...
Late at night...
and been laughing my ass-off..!
One Brit guy is a super, personal tech, fanatic
and the other Brit guy is a curmudgeon, anti-tech, Luddite.
They rate high tech items for daily use and 
the results are simply fucking hilarious...!
 I really can't remember the last time I've laughed this hard...
The part that is even funnier is that I have a couple of 
the tech items that they make insane fun of---?

On DVD--
The Expanse season 3
Excellent--just Excellent!

Did you notice i didn't say one word about
our dumb-ass President..?
Pretty good bullshit avoidance eh?