Saturday, December 26, 2020

I'm sorry--I can't bring myself to believe what you're saying.

One of the largest assholes in the country...
Ammon Bundy..
Who you may remember from his 
of a Federal bird sanctuary
and his 
"Stand-off "
of Federal authorities in Nevada...
and who
attempted to "liberate" his son's high school football game
from mask wearing causing the entire game to 
be cancelled...
(all of which was over insane constitutional, asshole, bullshit)
He is now attempting to bring the same freedom to Idaho...
(again for insane bullshit reasons)
He and his "meal team 6",
 play, solider followers--
Attempted to force the Idaho state legislature 
into not requiring face masks as they face an
insanely huge Covid outbreak in their
 Bundy is from Nevada but now is apparently an
activist for
who the fuck knows what, 
for the entire Murican' dumbfuckistan society.
These retards forced their way into the capitol building,
past Idaho state police,
(who apparently never learned how to use a nightstick)
and acted all big, bad and armed.....
demanding freedom from wearing a piece of cloth
over their faces to save their fellow citizens?
These people are simply ignorant, attention seeking, cowardly bullies.
Who do their best to insure that anyone with a shred of
intelligence believes the worst about people in rural states
like Idaho....
They are succeeding....!

That the Government will build a space station in lunar orbit..?
When this same Government cannot get their own citizens to wear masks
during the worst pandemic of the last one hundred years?
This pandemic has displayed what feet of clay
we as a society truly have...
Cut me a break...?

The criminal has begun pardoning his
lapdog, crony, criminals....
or those who have paid....

While we die from covid with no vaccine in sight
for the regular citizen...
He holds up pandemic relief money, 
pushes the Government towards Shut Down
All the while bitching that his mail order Russian bride
hasn't been on enough magazine covers?
Meanwhile his Republican party does NOTHING..!

I am still doing paint by numbers..
addicted I guess--
below is my
 (almost completed)
 third one--
It is very calming for my OCD...
We won't celebrate on New Years eve---
We are planning on celebrating the new year
on January 20th Inauguration Day!
Only on that day will 2020 be actually over...
It will be done but it's horror's remain...
Don't get me wrong New years eve I will be so so happy
to see the ass-end of 2020..
But on Inauguration day we as a nation perform an
exorcism on the greatest  horror.
That I will celebrate...!

Guitarist Leslie West has passed at 75.
I saw Leslie West and Mountain in concert 
in 1969---
He was amazing....
This sucks...!

I just received
 XX by Rian Hughes..
a 1000 page Science Fiction novel.
This novel has pages of artistic inserts integral to the plot..
I am looking forward to working my way through it...!

All along the Watchtower..
Billy Valentine and the Forest Rangers...

Sunday, December 20, 2020

And no drooling this time!

I just want to wake up and have it be

I've already noticed a feeling of change
in the air sort of...?
Slight but it's for sure there....
He's not in the news like he was...
He's lost the ability to instantly create trauma...
His pardons were dependent on Barr to execute?
Basically he's done for----
He's like that High School bully who's life
is over as soon as he graduates or quits school.
He is Bif in back to the future...

After fucking over Atlantic city he left his 
bankrupt casino to rot....
Just like what he will do to our society....
But if you win this auction you can blow his ex-casino up?
The bids are now up to $60,000...!

Yes, we truly are the nation of fine taste 
and that certain 
je ne sais quoi....
that other nations can only someday
aspire to:
home of fine wines and notably, deep political thought.

The tech company who creates the voter machine 
software sent a "blistering" legal threat to Fox News---
in regards to the complete and utter, conspiracy, nonsense shit
they are putting out about election fraud and their systems.
A lawsuit would which could have cost Fox billions..
To avert the lawsuit, which they would totally lose---
Fox agreed to broadcast multiple programs,
debunking their own talking heads voter fraud conspiracies?
The first appeared on their Lou Dobbs show...
Friday night the 18th....
smartmatic-Fox news-package
Exactly what kind of news station are you
that to avoid being sued you have to air programs
that say your own broadcasters are full of shit?
I have never ever never understood how these people
can even exist in a supposed advanced society---?

Luca Stricagnoli...
Too good to be believed...
Along with everyone else in the lock-down-ed world...