Tuesday, May 26, 2015


In writing this blog I often am overcome by weirdness interference.
It happened again this week.
There was so much crazed, bizarre shit going on with the Republican religious right--
The Duggar scandal with all the sister molestation shit?
 Bristol Palin calling off her wedding to the big hero 
for mysterious reasons?
Jeb Bush's vapor lock stupidity over the simple question:
would he have invaded Iraq?
I wrote extensively about these idiots originally for this blog issue.
In reality this was was nothing but interference...
Just writing about these people's massive hypocrisy 
made me feel dirty---
I erased everything, washed up, wrote about normal life and felt better..

Rain-Rain-Beautiful Rain--
Thanks to  a"Double El Nino" year,
we are having a beautifully rainy spring
in southeastern New Mexico.
You have no idea how pleasing it is to a desert dweller,
to see your neighbor running to their truck using an umbrella!
A real umbrella!
To have rain fall from the sky!
This rain has made me feel as if our little homestead is 
in an English village rather than the trackless desert.
 We are celebrating the water falling from the sky
much like a dog enjoyably rolls about in something 
that smells bad!
Soon enough tho, this rain will end and summer will
For now, I am in the moment, enjoying living in my
little pretend English village.
We put out more flowers about the
homestead as an anniversary present to ourselves.
This is a year for flowers thanks to the beautiful rain.

I am concerned over the issue of colony collapse disorder.
Without bee pollination our food variation is basically fucked.
Although native north American plants do not require bees
to reproduce.
Our more exotic fruits, flowers and vegetables exist 
only through bee pollination.
That's why i am heartened by the normal number of bees
I have observed in our flower gardens this year....
I had been concerned that our local bees might have had this problem,
and had been anxiously searching for bees during this early spring.

John Forbes Nash Jr. 
 American Noble Prize winning Mathematician in economics,
Princeton's Phantom of the Fine Hall.
Nash died in a tragic taxi accident on the Goddamn New Jersey Turnpike of all places. 
Most know of Nash as the subject of the film
A Beautiful Mind.
A tortured man suffering from a combination of genius, 
standard mathematician strangeness 
and Paranoid Schizophrenia. 
There were innumerable times I personally used the 
Nash Equilibrium at work.
This just truly sucks.

they put computer controlled, self driving 18 wheelers on the road?
Mercedes is just about ready to release their
self driving, computer controlled, long distance 18 wheel, transport trucks.
No driver required.
Who the fuck could think this is a good idea?
The 1%er's of course.
They will not have to pay or take care of employee's.
To them----employee's suck. 
Getting rid of employees will
fulfill their ultimate goal which is
all the money goes to ME!!!!
We will loose an insane number of regular guy jobs that 
will become instantly redundant overnight!
The largest occupations in these purple states is truck driving.
What is going to happen to these people..?

It's not just the loss of Truck driving jobs but jobs at truck stops,
and the loss of revenue people receive from traveling truckers 
spending a portion of what they earn, while they earn it across the country.
If this actually comes to pass---then---
who will be able to buy the shit that will be carried in these self driving trucks?
I am not a Luddite ranting against progress.
I believe that before a concept such as this goes into effect
someone needs to ask where, the replaced by computer unemployed,
will find work?

You won't see this one at the Cannes Film Festival
Our pick for the film of the month so far...
Selected by my wife for viewing--so stop thinking with your
dirty little mind--
A low budget zombie movie--
that really has some very funny moments, inter-spaced by just plain weird!
On streaming--of course--but give it a try just for the hoot of it.

This was an extremely strange,disturbing movie--
but one of those movies you can't stop watching once you start...?

What a find--
An almost perfect condition, Marantz-Superscope CRS-4000
complete with sales receipt, owners manual,
and Superscope boombox brochure---
Excellent sound---and styling!
This box cost $278.00 in 1978--which is like a zillion dollars in 
today's money.
The original owner kept outstanding care of this unit.
I'm combining this boombox with a wonderful 
early birthday present my wife got me...
a combo-phonograph.
Is this a great present or what...?
I love the mid-century styling. 
This unit is a perfect match the interior and decorating style
of our bungalow interior.
Coupled with the Marantz CRS-4000 
we have our own very weird, 
new old--entertainment center.
The phonograph and the CRS-4000 are our
primary music sources set up in the dining area.

I haven't had a phonograph in literally years...
It feels strange to be handling LP's again.
Now to build up a respectable jazz record collection.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wonderful night for a Moon dance....

Was in a bit of a minor slump---
Lagging on my larger projects,
 the smaller jobs i completed were,
 to be honest, in and of themselves,
 as important as the big jobs. 
I am just as pleased to complete a small job properly
as a large tasking.
There was absolutely, some form of laziness
in avoiding my larger projects.
It is somewhat unusual for me to be lazy.
Depressed often--but hardly ever lazy---that's my motto.
I was trying to figure out what exactly is going on?
It was strange for a few days.
As an attempt at a solution,
I pushed myself back into working at 
least 1/2 the day on the TO DO list...
which helped to prevent the much feared,
 sit on my ass and do nothing,
while retired syndrome. 
It seemed to work, I'm back on track at the moment--

An entry on my "To Control" list.
I have been smoking way too much late at night.
I watch re-runs on streaming of MST3K, play chess and chain smoke
into the wee hours.

I do not want to cease, just slow down the amount of smoking a bit...
working on it---
(of course i was smoking while i wrote the above)

I have two boomboxes in route for the collection,
I'll photograph and post when they arrive.
Meanwhile I am spending my time staring at the front door hoping to observe the
poor postman staggering up the walk
bearing a huge carton containing a sought-after boombox.
While awaiting these boxes I was prowling the Web randomly researching
and have found something so obscure and rare to obtain
It will be a long hunt to acquisition....
I am coveting---
A 1987 Sony DHU-5 unit.
The DHU-5 was produced in very small numbers for the
Japanese home market and is a bass woofer designed for 
use with one's boombox to provide the deep bass
often lacking with these units.
Just plug the DHU-5 into the box extension speaker outlet
place your box on it as a stand--
the result is instant huge bass.

This was pretty good---
Especially funny if you've spent any time in Great Britain.
Following in the footsteps of great thespians like
Steven Seagal, Nicholas Gage, and Sylvester Stallone. 
Liam Neeson is in it only for the money in:
What a dog---woof!
The only good thing about the film is that Forrest Whitaker 
was in it...

I pre-ordered this new novel by one of my
favorite authors Neal Stephenson...
Just arrived and starting it now...

They're just like us....Sure they are....
Hillary and Bill Clinton made 30 million--30 million dollars
in the past 16 months----
The Clinton's are not merely members of the 1%
They are the 0.1 %
Do not be a fool and believe her bullshit about loving the little people!
She is not the
She's worse than one of them....
Greedy Fuckers

While we're on the subject of robber-baron,
hillbilly political families let's not forget the Palins.
Bristol Palin
Sarah's daughter with the illegitimate child who makes big money
as the right wing religious spokeswoman for abstinence?
( Insane isn't it but-- Republicans you know? )
Announced a couple of weeks ago she was marrying this
Medal of Honor winner.
The Palins issued a press release this week announcing 
the pending super patriot marriage was off----
Some say there's minor marriage paperwork problems--
like him already being married???
At least they won't procreate