Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Head injury playhouse presents....

I continue to try my best...
To view our society in a positive light..
It appears as if
I fight a losing battle attempting to ignore the outside world..
I fear we may have reached
the mathematical point of---
 Peak Asshole
here in the United States...
Trump and the Republican Party are wildly
celebrating--their new tax laws...
Fucking us,
that's what they are celebrating.
Trump alone will make an additional 15 million dollars
this coming year because of the "new" Republican tax laws...
You may see a slight decrease in your taxes for a few years...
but that is just all bait and switch...
Tax breaks for regular humans disappear in a few short years..
The breaks the one per-center's get
never go away---
CEO's can deduct their corporate jets,
but police officers cannot deduct the cost of their uniforms?
That seems fucking fair, doesn't it?
Ask yourself, hopefully before your own shit
drips from your kitchen water faucet,
How do we maintain this country with less coming
in from those who make more--?
and what does come in, from people like us,
 going to the Military-Industrial Complex?
The next part of their plan is to make the
rest of us pay off the rise in the Federal Deficit 
that this, bonus to the rich, will cost,
by trying to kill Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Republican leader of the House, Paul Ryan is up front about that--
Believe me, I am not good with money,
but I see where this is going and at least,
the starving mobs of the future will have someone
specific to blame---
You do have to laugh sometimes...
after pulling the US out of the Paris 
Climate Change accord and outlawing even the
use of the word "climate change" by government agencies...
Trump convinced the Irish government to build a seawall
to protect his precious Irish golf course,
 from you guessed it...
"rising sea levels"!
trump-is-getting-a-wall-in-Ireland-to-protect-his-golf course

I am one of those shortwave geeks who every
so often, later at night in my little command center..
tries to tune in the remaining, operating, government
number stations around the world.
I will sit, not as often as I'd like,
 with my Grundig Satellit 750 radio--
tuned to one of the international numbers station, writing on this blog
while the station puts out a mindless drone-tone, with me hoping
for a short transmission of words, letters, or numbers?
Yeah I know--exciting eh?
BBC news has an excellent on-line article on the
Russian radio station the "Buzzer" which is 
really worth reading..presenting a theory that perhaps these stations also
provide a "doomsday" monitoring system for governments...
if you are at all interested in Numbers Stations,
 take a moment....

re-reading actually..
I read this years ago.

I passed on watching Gotham
for quite a while, thinking, nah, it can't be that good?
Fuck i was wrong--it's awesome...
I am binge watching it like a dog!
Love the visuals!
I thought BRIGHT, a Netflix original movie,
 was a really decent  SF film.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I thought the robot with the human head was really offensive!

Just waiting to see how some important things turn out----
so somewhat on hold....
This is just fucking awesome-----
The first interstellar object has been discovered
passing through our solar system 
and it is amazing !!!!!
They Named it:
Everything about this object--from the shape
(which is that, it shouldn't be shaped like it is)
to the fact that it is traveling like--296,000 miles per hour...
makes this object so strange that we are turned
a radio telescope on it to see if
it is putting out any sort of signal???
(Which it hasn't so far but hey----)
As i always say tho...
This should turn out well....??????

Many, many thanks to the people of Alabama,
50.1 % of them anyway...
for not electing Roy Moore--!
You, who voted against him,
 took the first step for us towards fixing this madness
that has overcome some of us---
thank you...
thank you...

I've really been doing pretty good about
staying away from the news and commentary on it...
but this week i just cannot stay silent...
My God,
I am truly scared for us--
I mean really...seriously...
trump-admin-bans-cdc-from-using-evidence-based-and-science-based terms
Recently the Trump Government, has attempted to regulate
what type of words can be written in the reports of the
CDC, EPA and HHS...
 so that these agencies do not fucking UPSET the party in power..
to not run contrary to those who are in power, Oligarch belief systems...
we, as a people, are in serious trouble...
Our Government
 used to accuse the Soviets of this exact same, "crime".
This type of censorship supposedly made the USSR evil when i was young!
What does this censorship make us now then?
The usage of proper words within the correct context 
can be, literally, the difference between life and death.
Do you want your government to report/speak the truth?
How can it when specific words are ruled illegal?
Apparently after a few days the unknown persons
behind these order may have backed down and HHS
advised that no way were they following these directives.
The heads of the CDC &EPA however are Oligarch's and 
appear to be complying!!
There will be so much reconstructive work to do
rebuilding us into what we should be....

I had to laugh reading this article on how,
a few people were concerned after seeing Japanese Snow
monkeys attempt to mate with the local deer?
Thinking something was amiss in nature?
Having spent considerable time around monkeys
overseas, I like anyone who has actually been around
monkeys, fucking hate them!!!!
Monkeys throw shit at you, steal shit, are disease ridden
with shit that can kill you dead and will absolutely
try to FUCK ANYTHING they can grab or catch....
Only people who have never faced down an angry monkey---
who either wants to bite or fuck you...
think they are cute and lovable!

I have no idea why all the people
i know were raving about this movie...
I thought it sucked so bad i couldn't even 
watch it all the way through??