Thursday, February 13, 2014

Did i sound confused?

I am still working out the redesign/rebuild my nerd cave.
The problem is that i have an overwhelming amount of
projects going on in there--many of them going nowhere..
but still----important to me.
This is going to be a big rebuild--including paint...
I am in one of those mental zones whereas i feel
that everything needs to be reorganized---but
I cannot get myself to actually begin to do anything?

Perhaps it is the Winter--or that truly I 
need to hack through all the project/reorganization options available?
I am falling back on the thought that 
it will happen when it happens.
I will remain in the moment.

On DVD---
Russian sleeper agents operating in the US
during the Regan years.

I have not built a watch in some time now.
I am planning on continuing to build or attempt to build watches in retirement.
I did sell a watch I built completely from parts during the Christmas season.
I could take that as a sign that i was doing something correct.
The problem is that
Matching parts are now extremely difficult to obtain.
I have started purchasing cheap mechanical watches as 
a possible parts source for the future.
When i see a cheap mechanical movement watch on Amazon
I order it---if it works--great---not then i have parts to stock.
My last purchase was a Russian Watch that I wound up
disassembling for parts to build one of my Frankenwatches in the future.
I have to admit however that i really fucked up the disassembly--
but i tell myself that is part of the learning curve.
My latest purchase is a Chinese manufactured, Russian CJIABA watch.
What has the world come to when the Chinese are knocking off, Russian Watches?
CJIABA was originally a watch manufactured by the Slava watch plant in the
Soviet Union. 
Slava translates as "GLORY".

I'll advise of the status of this watch after it arrives and i work with it for awhile
---be its destiny as parts or work wear...

Sneak reading at work:

Just arrived:

"The secret of getting ahead,
is getting started."
Mark Twain

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