Sunday, April 20, 2014

1/72 Handley Page 0/400

Weekus Horriblous
To invent a new phrase in Latin.
I am absolutely resolved that the human insanity of the past two
weeks, i have been experiencing,
 is the direct result of the alignment of
 planets during April.

I can only hope that there will be an improvement
in my interaction with the world as
time passes, the planets rotate out of this alignment
and as a result, humans settle the fuck down.

Work has been true madness during this recent astrological abnormality,
Producing minute by minute leaps from one insane demand to another.
Commuting has been a daily rerun of Mad Max.
The totality of result has left me feeling like a animal caught
in society's madness headlights.

Just in case there is a continued human strangeness response next week,
I took a couple of days off next as back-up.
 In case the world decides to rotate on
under the insanity protocols.

I am not immune to the recent planetary insanity.
I have been mentally back and forth, forth and back, as to my next 
aircraft modeling project for display in the nerd cave.
I have several kits in stock--but i could just not get inspired.
Inspiration arrived in the form of ordering the WW1, English,1:72 Handley Page 0/400 bomber, and a World War One, 1/72 British flying corps figure set to enhance it.

This kit makes into a very large model even in 1:72 scale as evidenced above
compared to a single seat 1:72 scale WW1 fighter.
The HP 0/400 was one of the largest aircraft produced in World War One.
The name, Handley Page, in fact became the standard term, post World War One,
for any super large aircraft. 

At the end of the war, some of the surviving 0/400 air frames
were transformed into primitive airliners.
Super large aircraft did not reappear as a viable design concept again
until mid World War Two.
In constructing this model a process i will have to learn is how 
to create the guide wiring technology that was used during this time frame
 that supports the bi-level wings.
This is a necessity and quite the complication.
I am planning on using guitar string and super glue.

I should receive this kit Tuesday and it is the perfect project 
to initiate on my upcoming time off.
I'll post photo's of the process and the model under construction. 

I did complete the XB-35 project this weekend by
detailing the tarmac base & constructing and painting
1/72 scale support figures and vehicles for display.

I have done zero reading these past couple of weeks.
The mood for it, just hasn't been correct.
Films at the moment also appear to be a dead zone.
Nothing of interest on the movie horizon.
This may be actually a good thing allowing for the completion of
other projects--as compared to passively viewing and reading.

" I like long walks, especially when they are taken by
people who annoy me."
Fred Allen

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