Sunday, April 13, 2014

1:72 XB-35 finished

I hereby  declare my 1:72 XB-35 model completed...

I kept the aircraft a flat gray, rather than an aluminum color--
I wanted it more stealth like--more dieselpunk,
 it was, after-all, the father of today's B-2 bomber.
I also refrained from adding gun turrets.
It is after all my artistic interpretation of the XB-35 and 
not intended as a direct historic comparison.

I may add 1:72 ground crew and assorted support machinery
to the hardstand display with the XB-35. It is not a 
necessity, more of an experiment with building and painting the miniature 
1:72 equipment and figures.
I may also detail the hardstand. 
The aircraft itself however is now done.
It was a somewhat difficult kit to build..perhaps due to it's age,
and do the the actual physical structure of the aircraft.

The next 1:72 aircraft kit i am working on in my dieselpunk aircraft ,
nerd cave decorating project
is the Junkers F.13 I will be constructing this model in the floatplane version.

I have described my model aircraft selection 
as a drive to represent dieselpunk design.
I thought it might be appropriate to provide a definition.
Dieselpunk is not simply a made-up mental art form.
Dieselpunk can be found surrounding us
in everyday life as evidenced by the below 
photograph from a Russian beach.

Dieselpunk to me, 
depicts the world as it might have been....
design wise. 

"Good design doesn't date."
Harry Seidler

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